Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Methyhydrogen siloxane)

Select Item Title Year Published
Dermal Sensitization Test in Guinea Pigs with mixture containing isodecyl neopentanoate (CAS No. 60209-82-7) and dimethyl, methyhydrogen siloxane with polypropylene glycol with Isodecyl Neopentanoate. 2011
Modified ISO Skin Irritation Study in Rabbits, 8 Day Repeated Exposure with Dimethyl, Methylhydrogen Siloxane, Trimethylsiloxy-term rxn w/ Bis-Methallyl Polypropylene Glycol in C4, 1,3-butadiene-free, Polymerized., Triisobutylene Fraction, Hydrogenated Hydrocarbons. 2015
Results of a Dermal Sensitization Test in Guniea Pigs - Magnusson and Kligman (M&K) Method after Exposure to Isodecyl Neopentanoate (> 60%) and Dimethyl, Methyhydrogen Siloxane with Polypropylene Glycol (10-30%). 2010

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