Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Meterology)

Select Item Title Year Published
1985 NAPAP emissions inventory : development of temporal allocation factors : final report / 1990
Acid precipitation in the Netherlands : the relationship between the acidification of precipitation and the emission of sulphurdioxide and nitrogenoxides in the Netherlands 1978
Acidity, Nutrients, and Minerals in Atmospheric Precipitation Over Florida: Deposition Patterns, Mechanisms, and Ecological Effects. 1983
Atmospheric diffusion modeling based on boundary layer parameterization / 1985
Atmospheric Input of Trace Metals to Lake Michigan. 1980
Chemistry of atmospheric precipitation in North Dakota. 1981
Evaluation of simulated acid precipitation effects on forest microcosms / 1984
Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling Phase 3 summary report : near-field single-source secondary impacts. 2016
International turbulence comparison experiment (I.T.C.E. l976) 1982
Limnology of Lake Champlain: 1965-1970. 1970
Long-term effects of air pollution : a five year research program / 1971
Marine climatology 1976
Meteorological processor for regulatory models (MPRM) : user's guide. 1994
Monitoring and air quality trends report, 1974. 1976
National acid precipitation assessment program : effects research review : research summaries 1983
Phytoplankton Modeling in the Embayments of Lakes. 1983
Plan and schedule for NAPAP assessment reports, 1989-1990 state of science, state of technology, integrated assessment : public review draft. 1988
Preliminary Studies of Video Images of Smoke Dispersion in the Near Wake of a Model Building. 1991
Report on natural precipitation washout of sulfur dioxide / 1972
Report on the Eulerian model development program review meeting of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, March 25-29, 1985, Raleigh, North Carolina / 1985
Review of public comments on the October 1988 draft of the "Plan and schedule for NAPAP assessment reports, 1989-1990" 1989
SPRAYTRAN User's Guide: A GIS-Based Atmospheric Spray Droplet Dispersion Modeling System. 2005
Sulphur emissions and the environment : papers presented May 8-10, 1979, London 1979
Technical support document for the final rule on the control of emissions from new nonroad spark-ignition engines : air quality modeling analyses. 2008

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