Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Metals Finishing)

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Select Item Title Year Published
12th AESF/EPA Conference on Environmental Control for the Surface Finishing Industry. 1991
13th AESF/EPA Conference on Environmental Control for the Surface Finishing Industry. 1992
15th AESF/EPA Pollution Prevention & Control Conference : January 24-27, 1994, Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, FL. 1994
16th AESF/EPA Pollution Prevention & Control Conference : February 13-15, 1995, Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, FL. 1995
18th AESF/EPA Pollution Prevention & Control Conference : January 27-29, 1997, Disney's Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World(R) Resort, Lake Buena Vista, FL. 1997
7th AESF/EPA Conference on Pollution Control for the Metal Finishing Industry : Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, Florida, January 27-29, 1986. 1986
8th AESF/EPA conference on pollution control for the metal finishing industry / 1987
A guide to developing an environmental management system for metal finishing facilities. 2004
A pollution prevention resource manual for metal finishers : a competitive advantage manual / 1994
A state-of-the-art review of metal finishing waste treatment. 1970
AESF 14th Conference on Environmental Control for the Surface Finishing Industry. 1993
AESF/EPA Conference for Environmental Excellence : 1999 is the 20th anniversary year for the environmental conferences : January 25-27, 1999, Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida / 1999
AESF/EPA Conference for Environmental Excellence : 2000 is the 21st year for the environmental conferences : January 17-19, 2000, Omni Rosen Hotel, Orlando, Florida / 2000
AESF/EPA Pollution Prevention & Control Conference : January 26-28, 1998, Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, Lake Buena Vista, FL. 1998
Alternate treatment of organic solvents and sludges from metal finishing operations : final report / 1983
Alternative treatment of organic solvents and sludges from metal finishing operations / 1983
Ammonium-Carbonate leaching of metal values from water-treatment sludges / 1977
Approaching zero discharge in surface finishing 2000
APTI correspondence course 416 : inspection procedures for organic solvent metal cleaning (degreasing) operations : guidebook / 1982
Assessment of emerging technologies for metal finishing pollution control : three case studies / 1981
Assessment of waste management options for metal plating operations : technical assistance project / 1990
Benchmarking metal finishing / 2000
Capsule report : managing cyanide in metal finishing / 2000
Case study of minimization of solvent, paint, and electroplating wastes at a metal finishing facility 1992
Centralized treatment of metal finishing wastes : final report / 1980
Characterization and treatment of wastes from metal-finishing operations. 1991
Characterization and treatment of wastes from metal-finishing operations. 1991
Characterizing risk at metal finishing facilities / 1998
Chromate recovery from chromating rinsewater in the metal-finishing industry / 1995
Chromate recovery from the chromating rinsewater in the metal-finishing industry / 1995
Control and treatment technology for the metal finishing industry : in-plant changes / 1982
Control and treatment technology for the metal finishing industry : ion exchange / 1981
Control technology for the metal finishing industry : evaporators : summary report. 1979
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines new source performance standards for the metal finishing point source category. 1983
Development document for existing source pretreatment standards for the electroplating point source category. 1979
Development document for interim final effluent limitations and new source performance standards for the metal finishing segment of the electroplating manufacturing point source category. 1975
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards for the metal finishing, point source category. 1982
Development document for the coil coating point source category / 1979
Development document for the coil coating point source category. 1980
Development document for the porcelain enameling point source category. 1981
Development document for the porcelain enameling point source category. 1982
Draft Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards : Shore Reception Facilities / 1976
Draft Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards for the Metal Powders Segment of the Mechanical Products Point Source Category. 1980
Draft development document for the coil coating point source category. 1979
Draft development document for the metal finishing point source category / 1980
Dragout reduction for metal finishers / 1997
Economic analysis of the proposed effluent guidelines : the metal finishing industry / 1974
Economic analysis of the proposed effluent guidelines : the metal finishing industry, Appendix E. 1975
Economic analysis of the proposed effluent guidelines for the electroplating industry, copper, nickel, chromium and zinc. 1973
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent standards and limitations for the porcelain enameling industry / 1981
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