Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 451 - 500
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Select Item Title Year Published
Copper-Induced Corrosion of Galvanized Steel Pipe. 1986
Coprecipitation effects in solutions containing ferrous, ferric, and cupric ions / 1900
Corrosion Control in Small Public Water Systems. 2000
Corrosion Control Principles and Strategies for Reducing Lead and Copper in Drinking Water Systems. 1993
Corrosion-resistant amorphous metallic coatings : engineering development : progress report for the period October 6, 1984 - October 1, 1985 1985
Cost analysis of options to enhance lead-acid battery recycling : draft report. 1992
Cost comparisons of treatment and disposal alternatives for hazardous wastes / 1980
Cost Comparisons of Treatment and Disposal Alternatives for Hazardous Wastes. Volume II. Appendices. 1980
Cost effectiveness analysis of effluent guidelines and standards for the aluminum forming industry. 1983
Cost effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent standards and limitations for copper forming / 1982
Cost of Clean Air. 1973
Cost supplement to technologies and costs for the removal of mercury from potable water supplies. : First Draft, January 1987. 1987
Cost, Cost/Effectiveness Comparison Between the Use of Enclosures vs. Quiet Machines as Noise Reduction Options for the Fabricated Metal Products Industry. 1976
Cost-Effective Waste Management for Metal Finishing Facilities: Selected Case Studies. 1984
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery industry (phase 1) / 1995
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery industry. 2000
Critical health issues of criteria air pollutants / 1998
Critical survey of stability constants of EDTA complexes : critical evaluation of equilibrium constants in solution; part A: stability constants of metal complexes 1977
Crops as indicators of the significance of contamination of soil by heavy metals 1980
Current Research of the Environmental Protection Agency on Automotive Criteria Pollutants. 1985
Current state of corrosion control: technologies and costs. 1991
Cutting fluid management in small machine shop operations. 1990
Cycling and Control of Metals. 1973
Data analysis of lead in soil and dust. 1995
Database development for comparative analysis of the Performance of metalworking fluids based on drilling operations / 2011
Decapage de pieces matricees en laiton par vibration = Descaling of metal objects by means of vibration/abrasion 1981
Decapage par Grenaillage de Billettes d'Acier (Descaling of Steel Billets by Shot-Blasting). 1981
Decision Rationale Total Maximum Daily Loads Rock Creek Tributaries for Organics and Metals. 2004
Deep Wells for Industrial Waste Injection in the United States. Summary of Data. 1967
Degreasing Metal Parts with Liquid Carbon Dioxide. 1996
Demography : plants subject to phase I surface coating regulation / 1980
Demonstration evaluation of biodegradable degreaser [electronic resource] / 2007
Demonstration of a liquid carbon dioxide process for cleaning metal parts / 1996
Demonstration of a metal stabilization process for municipal waste-to-energy ash, Lassen College 1990
Demonstration of a silicate stabilization process for heavy metal contaminated soil at the Tamco steel site 1990
Demonstration of a Silicate Stabilization Process for Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil at the Tamco Steel Site. 1990
Demonstration of a stabilization process for soils contaminated with metals and petroleum hydrocarbons, Benz/Gabbita Consulting Services 1990
Demonstration of liquid CO2 as an alternative for metal parts cleaning / 1998
Deposition of air pollutants to the Great Waters : first report to Congress. 1994
Description of EPA SITE Demonstration of the HAZCON Stabilization Process at the Douglassville, Pennsylvania Superfund Site. 1989
Design and Application of a Spray Rinsing System for Recycle of Process Waters. 1984
Design Considerations for a Pilot Process for Separating Municipal Refuse. 1975
Design criteria for solid waste management in recreational areas / 1972
Design of demonstration or experimental programs to encourage waste reduction : an incentive analysis : final report / 1988
Design of pollutant-oriented integrated monitoring systems : a test case: environmental lead / 1976
Design, Fabrication, and Preliminary Evaluation of Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of a Prototype Snap-8 Mercury Boiler. 1971
Destruction of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls). Environmental Applications of Alkali Metal Polyethylene Glycolate Complexes. 1985
Determination of Acid Volatile Sulfide and Selected Simultaneously Extractable Metals in Sediment. 1991
Determination of Background Levels of Lead and Cadmium in Raw Agricultural Crops by Using Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. 1982
Determination of hazardous elements in smelter-produced sulfuric acid / 1974
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