Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 39
Showing: Items 1 - 39
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mesure)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acoustic design and noise control. 1973
Aerosol technology : properties, behavior, and measurement of airborne particles / 1999
Bioavailability, bioaccessibility and mobility of environmental contaminants / 2007
Biological test method. Reference method for determining acute lethality of sediment to marine or estuarine amphipods / 1998
Bioluminescence methods and protocols / 1998
Canadian emissions inventory of criteria air contaminants (1990) 1996
Contaminated marine sediments : assessment and remediation / 1989
Ecological diversity and its measurement / 1988
Ecotoxicology : the study of pollutants in ecosystems. 1999
Emissions of air pollutants : measurements, calculations and uncertainties / 2004
Environmental assessments of priority substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act : guidance manual version 1.0--March 1997. 1997
Evaluation of environmental data for regulatory and impact assessment / 1991
Exchange of trace gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere, Berlin 1989, February 19-24 / 1989
Experimentation and uncertainty analysis for engineers / 1999
Field sampling methods for remedial investigations / 1994
Ground-water contamination : field methods : a symposium / 1988
Guidance document on measurement of toxicity test precision using control sediments spiked with a reference toxicant / 1995
Handbook of air toxics : sampling, analysis, and properties / 1995
Handbook of radioactivity analysis / 1998
Handbook of vadose zone characterization & monitoring / 1995
Harvard business review on measuring corporate performance. 1998
Hot wire anemometry : principles and signal analysis / 1995
Inverse methods for atmospheric sounding : theory and practice / 2000
Isotope ratios as pollutant source and behaviour indicators : proceedings of a Symposium on Isotope Ratios as Pollutant Source and Behaviour Indicators / 1975
Measurement techniques for carcinogenic agents in workplace air / 1989
Measuring and monitoring biological diversity. Standard methods for amphibians / 1994
Measuring efficiency of macro systems : an application to millennium development goal attainment / 2005
Meteorological aspects of air pollution 1970
NAFTA guidance document for conducting terrestrial field dissipation studies / 2006
Occupational exposure assessment for air contaminants 2005
Probability and measure / 1986
Probability and measure / 1979
Quantitative fisheries stock assessment : choice, dynamics, and uncertainty / 1992
Radioactivity : recommendations of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (1962) / 1963
Review of methods and measurements of selected hydrophobic organic contaminant aqueous solubilities, vapor pressures, and air-water partition coefficients / 1998
Standard methods of chemical analysis. 1962
Statistical methods for detection and quantification of environmental contamination / 2001
Statistical methods for groundwater monitoring / 1994
The balanced scorecard : translating strategy into action / 1996

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