Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Meeresèokologie)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ecology of tropical oceans / 1987
Ecotoxicological testing of marine and freshwater ecosystems : emerging techniques, trends, and strategies / 2005
Enclosed experimental marine ecosystems : a review and recommendations : a contribution of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research Working Group 85 / 1990
Eutrophication processes in coastal systems : origin and succession of plankton blooms and effects on secondary production in Gulf Coast estuaries / 2001
Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems / 2004
Life in the world's oceans : diversity, distribution, and abundance / 2010
Lost woods : the discovered writing of Rachel Carson / 1998
Marine ecological processes / 1984
Marine ecology : selected readings / 1976
Petroleum in the marine environment : a symposium / 1980
Restoration of habitats impacted by oil spills / 1984

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