Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Medical Waste)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Guide to hazardous waste management at tribal health care clinics / 2008
Biohazardous waste : risk assessment, policy, and management / 1996
Biosafety reference manual 1995
Control Technology Center News, Volume 1, No. 1, July 1989. 1989
Fact Sheet: EPA Action Plan for Mercury (Draft) 1998
Guidelines for the management of biomedical waste in Canada / 1992
Handbook : operation and maintenance of hospital medical waste incinerators. 1990
Healthy hospitals : environmental improvements through environmental accounting / submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances; submitted by Tellus Institute. 1990
Hospital incinerator operator training course, Volume 1, Student handbook / 1989
Hospital incinerator operator training course, Volume 2, Presentation slides / 1989
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for federal plan : summary of public comments and responses / 2000
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for federal plan : summary of public comments and responses / 2000
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - analysis of economic impacts for existing sources / 1997
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - analysis of economic impacts for new sources / 1997
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - regulatory impact analysis for new and existing facilities / 1997
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - summary of public comments and responses / 1997
Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators: Summary of Requirements for Revised or New Section 111(d)/129 State Plans Following Amendments to the Emission Guidelines. 2010
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of dioxins and furans. 1997
Locating and estimating air toxic emissions from sources of medical waste incinerators. 1993
Management of waste from hospitals and other health care establishments : report on a WHO meeting, Bergen, 28 June-1 July 1983. 1985
Managing healthcare's waste / 2000
Medical waste disposal 1996
Medical waste incineration and pollution prevention 1992
Medical waste incineration handbook 1990
Medical waste incinerator operator training program : course handbook / 1993
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : analysis for economic impacts for new sources. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : analysis of economic impacts for existing sources. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : control technology performance report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : environmental impacts report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : industry profile report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : model plant description and cost report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : process description report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : regulatory impact analysis for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste management in the United States : first interim report to Congress. 1990
Medical waste management in the United States : second interim report to Congress / 1990
Metal Behavior during Medical Waste Incineration. (Chapter 15). 1990
Minimization of Combustion By-Products: Regulatory Framework. 1991
Municipal waste combustion assessment : medical waste combustion practices at municipal waste combustion facilities / 1989
Organic Emissions from Medical Waste Incineration. 1992
Our waste, our responsibility : moving toward a pollution prevention approach / 2000
Packaging and solid waste : management strategies / 1990
Pollution prevention works for Iowa : health care case summaries / 1996
Preliminary data summary for the hospitals point source category. 1989
Prevention of Combustion By-Products from Incineration Sources. 1990
Review of federal/state medical waste management / 1991
The "CURE Waste" program : a waste management strategy for the twenty first century. 1998
Waste incineration & public health. 2000

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