Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Medical Waste Disposal)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Guide to hazardous waste management at tribal health care clinics / 2008
Guidelines for the management of biomedical waste in Canada / 1992
Handbook : operation and maintenance of hospital medical waste incinerators. 1990
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for federal plan : summary of public comments and responses / 2000
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for federal plan : summary of public comments and responses / 2000
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - analysis of economic impacts for existing sources / 1997
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - analysis of economic impacts for new sources / 1997
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - regulatory impact analysis for new and existing facilities / 1997
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - summary of public comments and responses / 1997
Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators: Summary of Requirements for Revised or New Section 111(d)/129 State Plans Following Amendments to the Emission Guidelines. 2010
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of dioxins and furans. 1997
Managing healthcare's waste / 2000
Medical waste disposal 1996
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : analysis for economic impacts for new sources. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : analysis of economic impacts for existing sources. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : control technology performance report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : environmental impacts report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : industry profile report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : model plant description and cost report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : process description report for new and existing facilities. 1994
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : regulatory impact analysis for new and existing facilities. 1994
Metal Behavior during Medical Waste Incineration. (Chapter 15). 1990
Organic Emissions from Medical Waste Incineration. 1992
Our waste, our responsibility : moving toward a pollution prevention approach / 2000
Packaging and solid waste : management strategies / 1990
Pollution prevention works for Iowa : health care case summaries / 1996
Prevention of Combustion By-Products from Incineration Sources. 1990
Waste incineration & public health. 2000

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