Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mathematisches Modell DE 588 4114528 8)

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to mathematical modeling / 1978
Applied contaminant transport modeling / 2002
Chaos in ecology : experimental nonlinear dynamics / 2003
Detecting and modelling regional climate change / 2001
Ecological diversity / 1975
Elements of mathematical ecology / 2001
Environmental applications of geochemical modeling / 2002
Environmental foresight and models : a manifesto / 2002
Environmental modeling : a practical introduction / 2007
Environmental modelling and prediction / 2002
Groundwater transport : handbook of mathematical models / 1984
Individual-based modeling and ecology / 2005
Learning the art of mathematical modelling / 1985
Managing the global commons : the economics of climate change / 1994
Mathematical bioeconomics : the optimal management of renewable resources / 1976
Mathematical ecology / 1977
Mathematical modelling in biology and ecology : proceedings of a symposium held at the CSIR, Pretoria, July 1979 / 1980
Mathematical modelling of estuarine physics : proceedings of an international symposium held at the German Hydrographic Institute, Hamburg, August 24-26, 1978 / 1980
Mathematical models : mechanical vibrations, population dynamics, and traffic flow : an introduction to applied mathematics / 1977
Mathematics of financial markets / 1999
Matrix population models : construction, analysis, and interpretation / 2018
Model selection and inference : a practical information-theoretic approach / 1998
Modeling environmental policy / 1997
Models for ecological data : an introduction / 2007
Models in ecosystem science / 2003
Multimedia environmental models : the fugacity approach / 2001
River flow modelling and forecasting / 1986
Spatial uncertainty in ecology : implications for remote sensing and GIS applications / 2001
The dynamics of coastal models / 2008
Thermodynamics and ecological modelling / 2001
Watershed models / 2006

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