Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mathematik DE 588 4037944 9)

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to the mathematical theory of finite elements / 1976
Consider a spherical cow : a course in environmental problem solving / 1988
Environmental applications of chemometrics : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Environmental Chemistry at the 188th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 26-31, 1984 / 1985
Innumeracy : mathematical illiteracy and its consequences / 2001
Introduction to mathematical biology / 1975
Introduction to mathematical consensus theory / 1980
Learning the art of mathematical modelling / 1985
Mathematical bioeconomics : the optimal management of renewable resources / 1976
Mathematical ecology / 1977
Mathematics dictionary / 1992
Quantitative ecology : spatial and temporal scaling / 1994
Women in mathematics / 1974

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