Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 67
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mathematik)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A handbook of numerical matrix inversion and solution of linear equations 1968
Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms / 2002
Advanced mathematics for engineers / 1981
An introduction to numerical analysis / 1978
An introduction to the mathematical theory of finite elements / 1976
Applied mathematics for environmental engineers and scientists / 1999
Applied numerical methods / 1969
Classical and modern numerical analysis : theory, methods and practice / 2010
Classification and regression trees / 1993
Computational differential equations / 1996
Computer methods for mathematical computations / 1977
Consider a spherical cow : a course in environmental problem solving / 1988
CRC standard mathematical tables / 1978
Curve and surface fitting : an introduction / 1986
Elementary mathematical preparation for general chemistry 1974
Engineering mathematics handbook; definitions, theorems, formulas, tables 1970
Environmental applications of chemometrics : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Environmental Chemistry at the 188th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 26-31, 1984 / 1985
Estimation of hydraulic parameters from an unconfined aquifer test conducted in a glacial outwash deposit, Cape Cod, Massachusetts / 2001
From equilibrium to chaos : practical bifurcation and stability analysis / 1988
Generalized inverse matrices 1971
Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications 1971
Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables / 1972
Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables / 1964
Handbook of numerical analysis applications : with programs for engineers and scientists / 1984
Innumeracy : mathematical illiteracy and its consequences / 2001
Integration of equations of parabolic type by the method of nets 1964
Introduction to applied numerical analysis 1971
Introduction to mathematical biology / 1975
Introduction to mathematical consensus theory / 1980
Introduction to numerical analysis 1973
Learning the art of mathematical modelling / 1985
Mathematical bioeconomics : the optimal management of renewable resources / 1976
Mathematical ecology / 1977
Mathematical methods in chemical engineering 1963
Mathematics dictionary / 1992
Mathematics for ecologists / 1971
MATLAB : a practical introduction to programming and problem solving / 2019
Matrix-analytic methods in stochastic models / 1997
Methods for statistical analysis of reliability and life data 1974
Numerical algorithms with Fortran / 1996
Numerical analysis : mathematics of scientific computing / 1996
Numerical analysis for statisticians / 1999
Numerical analysis of spectral methods : theory and applications / 1977
Numerical mathematical analysis, 1966
Numerical methods / 1974
Numerical methods : for engineers and computer scientists / 1988
Numerical methods for conservation laws / 1990
Numerical methods for partial differential equations / 1977
Numerical methods in fluid dynamics / 1977
Numerical methods that work / 1970
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