Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Materials recycling)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of recycling feasibility Winnebago Indian Reservation : final report. 1991
Directory of the North American electronics recycling industry. 2002
Economic and technological impediments to recycling obsolete ferrous solid waste / 1973
Electronics re-use and recycling infrastructure development in Massachusetts / 2000
Evaluation of a ferricyanide bleach recycling system / 1973
Exporting harm : the high-tech trashing of Asia / 2002
Junkyard planet : travels in the billion-dollar trash trade / 2013
Memorandum : Subject: Designing Electronic Devices for Sustainability / 2010
Municipal waste combustion study : recycling of solid waste. 1987
Municipal waste combustion study. final report / Volume 9, Recycling of solid waste : 1987
Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, ISEE : May 1-3, 1995, Orlando, Florida / 1995
Proceedings of the North American Conference on Waste Exchange (5th). Held in Toronto, Canada on May 15-18, 1988. 'Waste Minimization through Technology and the Marketing of Wastes and Surpluses'. 1988
Proceedings: International Conference & Exhibition Global Pollution Prevention '91 The Environmental Ethic of the 1900's. Held in Washington, D.C. on April 2-5-1991. 1991
Product stewardship and the coming age of takeback : what your company can learn from the electronics industry's experience / 1996
Recovery of copper and associated precious metals from electronic scrap 1981
Recycling of automotive catalysts. 1982
Recycling of consumer dry cell batteries / 1993
Recycling of waste magnesite-chrome refractories from copper smelting furnaces 1981
Requiring secondary materials in federal construction : a feasibility study / 1975
Reuse and recycling of contaminated soil 1997
Sorption and Recycling of Harmful Materials during the Production of Polyurethane (PUR) Block Soft Foam. Compendium on Low- and Non-Waste Technology. 1984
Techno-economic and environmentally conscious deconstruction project planning and decision support (TEE-D-Plan) 2017
Thermal Reclamation of Used Blast Grit. 1995
Use of domestic waste glass for urban paving / 1973
Waste Assessment of U.S. Post Office in Woodinville, Washington. 1990
Waste in the wireless world : the challenge of cell phones / 2002
Waste in the wireless world : the challenge of cell phones / 2002

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