Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Massachusetts Charles River)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biological aspects of water quality, Charles River and Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. 1968
Charles Basin : 1974 water quality survey data / 1975
Charles River : 1973 water quality survey data / 1974
Charles River : 1973-1974 wastewater discharge survey data / 1974
Charles River basin : 1976 water quality management plan / 1976
Charles River lower basin study : data report / 1976
Charles River natural valley storage project : master plan for recreation resources development: design memorandum no. 4 / 1984
Charles River sediment/water quality analysis : project report / 1997
Charles River study : outdoor recreation and environmental conservation plan. 1971
Charles River study, 1967 / 1971
Charles River water quality study : appendix E of Charles River study / 1971
Charles River Watershed Study : Cost Effect of Flow Augmentation on Advanced Waste Treatment. 1969
Chemical and physical aspects of water quality, Boston Harbor-Charles River study, Massachusetts, 1968
Clean Charles 2005 initiative / 2005
Comparison of methods for determining streamflow requirements for aquatic habitat protection at selected sites on the Assabet and Charles Rivers, eastern Massachusetts, 2000-02 2004
Hydrologic data of the Charles River Basin, Massachusetts 1977
Measured and simulated runoff to the lower Charles River, Massachusetts, October 1999-September 2000 2002
Potential effects of structural controls and street sweeping on stormwater loads to the lower Charles River, Massachusetts / 2002
Simulation of ground-water flow and evaluation of water-management alternatives in the upper Charles River basin, eastern Massachusetts 2002
Spatial distribution, temporal variability, and chemistry of the salt wedge in the lower Charles River, Massachusetts, June 1998 to July 1999 / 2000
Stormwater outreach to residential and small business communities : a product development guide for Charles River municipalities / 1999
Streamflow, water quality, and contaminant loads in the lower Charles River Watershed, Massachusetts, 1999-2000 2002
Summary of water quality evaluations, Boston Harbor and tributaries. 1967
The Charles / 1941
Water resources and aquifer yields in the Charles River basin, Massachusetts 1989

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