Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mass Spectrometry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 indexes to EPA/NIH mass spectral data base / 1978
34th annual conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics June 8-13, 1986, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1986
49th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics proceedings ASMS : May 27-31, 2001, Chicago, Illinois. {electronic resource} : 2001
53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : proceedings : DVD : June 5-9, 2005, [San Antonio, Texas]. 2005
A beginner's guide to mass spectral interpretation / 1998
A comparative evaluation of GC/MS data analysis processing / 1984
A GC/MS data management process / 1984
Accelerated decay of non-fuel evaporative emissions : task no. 1 / 1976
Acquisition, reduction, and reporting of GC/MS data / 1980
An EPA manual for organics analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry / 1979
An evaluation of the Finnigan organics in water analyzer / 1980
Analysis and GC-MS characterization of toxaphene in fish and water / 1976
Analysis of a series of samples for polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) / 1977
Analysis of atmospheric organic aerosols by mass spectroscopy / 1976
Analysis of extractable organic compounds in water by two stage membrane introduction mass spectrometry 1993
Analysis of Houston aerosol samples by GC/MS methods : final report / 1980
Analysis of organic air pollutants by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy : final report / 1979
Analysis of organic air pollutants by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy : final report / 1979
Analytical mass spectrometry : strategies for environmental and related applications / 2001
Analytical method : the analysis of chlorinated biphenyls in liquids and solid / 1985
Analytical procedures and quality assurance plan for the determination of PCDD/PCDF in fish. 1990
Analytical procedures and quality assurance plan for the determination of xenobiotic chemical contaminants in fish. 1990
Analytical quality assurance for trace organics analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry / 1975
Application of a spray deposition method for reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry / 1984
Application of a spray deposition method for reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry / 1984
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 1: Text. 1984
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 2: Appendices. 1984
Application of high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to environmental analysis / 1989
Application of negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry to the analysis of bovine tissue for chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and related compounds. 1977
Applications of Combined Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Pesticide Residue Identifications. 1970
Applications of Information Theory and Pattern Recognition to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. 1986
Applications of inorganic mass spectrometry 2001
Applications of LC-MS in environmental chemistry 1996
Applications of mass spectrometry to trace analysis : lectures of a course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy), September 29-October 3, 1980 1982
Applications of new mass spectrometry techniques in pesticide chemistry 1987
Applied electrospray mass spectrometry 2002
Approach to level 2 analysis based on level 1 results, MEG categories and compounds, and decision criteria / 1979
Automatic identification of mass spectra preprocessing, distance measures and classification / 1992
Backpack-portable mass spectrometer for measurement of volatile compounds in the environment 1991
Biochemical applications of mass spectrometry. 1972
Biodegradation of Crystal Violet by the White Rot Fungus 'Phanerochaete chrysosporium'. 1988
Biological mass spectrometry. 1991
Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry. 1986
Biomedical mass spectrometry. 1974
Capillary column GC-MS determination of 77 purgeable organic compounds in two simulated liquid wastes / 1988
Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates From Monosaccharides to Complex Polysaccharides / [electronic resource] : 2011
Characterization of Doxylamine and Pyrilamine Metabolites via Thermospray/Mass Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. 1988
Chemical ionization mass spectrometry 1983
Chemical ionization mass spectrometry / 1992
Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry of Brominated Dibenzo-'p'-dioxins and Dibenzofurans. 1987
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