Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Maryland Baltimore)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A particulate matter study for the metropolitan Baltimore intrastate air quality control region : final report / 1978
A study of the dispersion and flushing of water-borne materials in the northwest branch of Baltimore Harbor, and the relationship between these physical processes and the water quality of the inner harbor / 1970
A technical and economic evaluation of the project in Baltimore, Maryland / 1979
Air Pollution Measurements in Baltimore, Maryland, March and April, 1964. 1964
An evaluation of the resource recovery demonstration project, Baltimore, Maryland : executive summary / 1978
Analysis and characterization of urban storm-water runoff for selected basins in the Baltimore, Maryland, metropolitan area a project plan / 1982
Analysis of the Bethlehem Steel Complex at Sparrows Point, Maryland and its impact on model validation efforts / 1982
Baltimore community environmental partnership air committee technical report : community risk-based air screening : a case study in Baltimore, MD. 2000
Baltimore engineers and the Chesapeake Bay, 1961-1987 1988
Baltimore Harbor and channels, Maryland and Virginia : environmental statement / 1970
Baltimore Harbor and Channels, Maryland and Virginia : supplemental information requested by the Office of Management and Budget to June 1969 review report / 1974
Baltimore Integrated Environmental Management Project II report : Baltimore Harbor / 1987
Baltimore metropolitan coastal area study an agenda for action : a technical study in support of Maryland's Coastal Zone Management Program / 1976
Baltimore particulate study : report on study feasibility / 1974
Baltimore Region rapid transit system : Phase 1, Section A : final environmental statement / 1972
Comprehensive stormwater management plan for Baltimore/Washington International Airport : preliminary report : drainage area analysis and conceptual design / 1993
Computer planning for efficient solid waste collection : [a condensation] / 1972
Delivering timely water quality information to your community : the Chesapeake Bay and National Aquarium in Baltimore EMPACT projects. 2002
Delivering timely water quality information to your community : the Chesapeake Bay and National Aquarium in Baltiore EMPACT Projects / 2002
Development of a trial air quality maintenance plan using the Baltimore air quality control region / 1974
Distribution of metals in Baltimore harbor sediments / 1974
Emission test report : Harbison-Walker refractories, Baltimore, Maryland / 1985
Epidemiology studies : task I - phase I : pilot study of cancer mortality near an arsenical pesticide plant in Baltimore / 1976
Equilibrium, cyclicity, and problems of scale--Maryland's Peidmont landscape 1979
Erosion and sediment survey of Baltimore Regional Planning Council area 1977
Evaluation of Baltimore harbor land-use potential : a report prepared for the Maryland Environmental Service 1973
Evaluation of process wastewater sources, waste treatment, and disposal systems : SCM Glidden-Durkee, Adrian-Joyce Works, Baltimore, Maryland / 1980
Evaluation of the problem posed by in-place pollutants in Baltimore Harbor and recommendation of corrective action / 1977
Framing the challenge of urban flooding in the United States / 2019
From the Meadows to the Point : the histories of the African American community of Turner Station and what was the African American community in Sparrows Point / 2003
General development plan for the Baltimore region. 1972
General development plan, Baltimore region : impacts and appendix. 1977
General devlopment plan, Baltimore region : land use. 1977
Geologic map of Baltimore County and City 1976
Geologic map of the Baltimore East quadrangle, Maryland 1979
Geologic map of the Baltimore West quadrangle, Maryland 1979
Geologic map of the Ellicott City quadrangle, Maryland 1980
Geologic map of the Hereford quadrangle, Maryland 1985
Geologic map of the Middle River quadrangle, Maryland 1977
Geologic map of the Phoenix quadrangle, Maryland 1979
Ground-water quality in the Piedmont region of Baltimore County, Maryland 1998
Hampton National Historic Site : draft general management plan and environmental impact statement. 2010
Hydrogeologic atlas, Ellicott City quadrangle, Baltimore and Howard Counties, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, Hampstead quadrangle, Baltimore and Carroll County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Hereford quadrangle, Baltimore County, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Lineboro quadrangle, Baltimore and Carroll counties, Maryland 1981
Hydrogeologic atlas, Norrisville quadragle {i.e., quadrangle}, Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeologic atlas, Phoenix quadrangle, Baltimore and Harford Counties, Maryland 1983
Hydrogeology, digital solute-transport simulation, and geochemistry of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer system near Baltimore, Maryland 1985
Impact of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel on Baltimore's exports of corn and soybeans 1900
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