Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Marking)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing rotenone and associated resins as the active ingredient : OPP chemical no. 071003, 071003 and 071001, case no. 0255, CAS (docket) number: 83-79-4. 1988
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing thiram as the active ingredient : EPA case number 22. 1984
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing trichlorfon as the active ingredient (057901). 1984
Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing Zinc Phosphide as the Active Ingredient. 1982
Individual manufacturer procedures to establish fuel economy adjustment factors / 1981
Introduction to rubrics : an assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning / 2005
Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Demonstration for the GBU-24 Project Summary 1999
Managing Hazardous Waste (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management). 1995
Manual for mass wire tagging of hatchling sea turtles and the detection of internal wire tags 1997
Medical waste management in the United States : second interim report to Congress / 1990
Methodology for designing cost-effective monitoring and compliance strategies for pesticide use / 1978
Methods of marking fish and shellfish 1992
Microeconomic Impacts of the Proposed Marking and Disposal Regulations for PCBs. 1977
Mississippi River Basin Sterol Assay Project Report. Coprostanol, A Positive Molecular Marker of Domestic and Run-Off Pollution. Sterol Assay of Raw Sewage, Wastewater Plant Effluent and Surface Waters in the Burlington, Iowa Area on the Mississippi River. 1970
Missouri River Basin Sterol Assay Project Report. Coprostanol, A Positive Marker of Domestic and Run-off Pollution. Sterol Assay of Wastewater Plant Effluents and Surface Waters of the Lower Main Stem Missouri. 1970
Mutagenic Screening of Marker Grenade Dyes by the 'Salmonella' Reversion Assay, L5178Y/TK(+)/(-)Mouse Lymphoma Assay, and In vivo Sister Chromatid Exchange Analysis in Mice (Journal Version). 1988
New Species of Leech, 'Batracobdella cryptobranchii' n. sp. (Annelida: Hirudinea), Parasitic on the Ozark Hellbender. 1977
Northern Puget Sound marine mammals / 1980
Oil Tagging System Study. 1970
Pesticide registration (PR) notice 87-4 : notice to manufacturers, formulators, producers and registrants of pesticide products. 1987
Pesticide Registration Standard - 2,3-dichloro - 1,4-naphthoquinone (Dichlone). 1981
Pesticide registration standard : Deet / 1981
Pollution effects on adult steelhead migration in the Snake River / 1974
PR Notice 87-1. Notice to Manufacturers, Formulators, Producers and Registrants of Pesticide Products. 1987
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Pesticide Labeling, (1st), Held on June 3-4, 1974. Part I. Presentations, Part II. Questions and Answers. 1974
R.E.D. facts : allium sativum (garlic) / 1992
RED facts : allium sativum (garlic) / 1992
RED facts : fosetyl-al (Aliette) / 1991
RED facts : potassium bromide / 1991
RED facts : sulfur / 1991
Registration standard (second round review) for the reregistration of pesticide products containing phorate as the active ingredient : CAS registry no. 298-02-2, OPP chemical code 057201, EPA case number 103 / 1988
Registration standard for the reregistration of pesticide products containing coumaphos as the active ingredient. 1989
Registration standard for the reregistration of pesticide products containing diazinon [057801] as the active ingredient. 1988
Regulatory analysis supporting the general provisions for product noise labeling. 1979
Reregistration eligibility decision (RED) : potassium bromide. 1991
Reregistration eligibility document (RED) : fosetyl-AL (Aliette) / 1990
Reregistration eligibility document (RED) : sulfur / 1991
Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED): Alkyl Amine Hydrochloride. 1992
Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED): Carbon and Carbon Dioxide. 1991
Reregistration eligibility document : biobor / 1993
REregistration eligibility document : silicon dioxide and silica gel, list D, case 4081. 1991
Seed treatment / 1976
Selected methods for detecting and tracing hazardous materials spills / 1979
Sister Chromatid Exchange in a Marine Polychaete Exposed to a Contaminated Harbor Sediment. 1987
St. Louis Dispersion Study. Volume I. Instrumentation, Procedures, and Data Tabulations. 1968
Study of Potential for Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy Improvement. Policy Assessment Panel Report No. 1. 1975
Summary of the Second National Conference on Household Hazardous Waste Collection Programs : November 2-14, 1987, San Diego, California / 1987
Used oil law in the United States and Europe / 1974
Water Resources Research Program: Transport and Dispersion of Oil-Refinery Wastes in the Coastal Waters of Southwestern Lake Michigan (Experimental Design: Sinking-Plume Condition). 1976
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