Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Marine toxins)

Select Item Title Year Published
Algal toxins in seafood and drinking water 1993
Aquatic (marine and freshwater) biotoxins. 1984
Aquatic dermatology 1987
Bioactive compounds from the sea / 1974
Chesapeake toxicological workshop series executive summary / 1991
Development of a chronic sediment toxicity test for marine benthic amphipods / 1993
Ingested nitrate and nitrite, and cyanobacterial peptide toxins / 2010
Management techniques of bottom sediments containing toxic substances / 1975
Marine biotoxins and harmful algae : a national plan / 1993
Marine toxins and venoms 1988
Marine toxins origin, structure, and molecular pharmacology / 1990
Pfiesteria : crossing dark water : the true story behind the public health menace that now threatens the nation's tidal waters : by the Maryland "Family Doc" who blew the whistle-- / 1998
Poisonous, venomous, and electric marine organisms of the Atlantic coast, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean 1997
Proceedings : tiered testing issues for freshwater and marine sediments, Washington, D.C., September 16-18, 1992. 1992
Public health issues in the Gulf of Mexico : proceedings of a Mississippi Sea Grant Advisory Service Workshop, November 14-15, 1989 / 1990
Real application of management techniques in Port Kitakyushu / 1975
Seafood and freshwater toxins : pharmacology, physiology, and detection / 2000
Seafood and freshwater toxins : pharmacology, physiology, and detection / 2008
Toxins, drugs, and pollutants in marine animals 1984
What your Should Know About Pfiesteria Piscicida (A thru C) 1998

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