Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Marine sediments Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants to marine organisms / 1993
Contaminated sediments in ports and waterways : cleanup strategies and technologies / 1997
Contaminated sediments science plan : an SAB report / 2003
Contaminated sediments science priorities / 2004
Draft cleanup action plan for contaminated sediments in the Lockheed Aquatic Area : Elliott Bay and Duwamish Estuary Seattle, Washington : technical appendix B-2 (companion document to the Lockheed aquatic area RI/FS and Southwest Harbor Project draft EIS) / 1994
Geochemical partitioning and bioavailability of trace metals in marine sediments project completion report, OWRR Project N. A-044-ORE-W73, October 1, 1977 - September 31, 1979 / 1980
Guidance manual : bedded sediment bioaccumulation tests / 1989
Guidance manual : bedded sediment bioaccumulation tests / 1993
Management of bottom sediments containing toxic substances : proceedings of the 15th U.S./Japan Experts Meeting / 1994
Organism-sediment interactions 2001
Point and nonpoint source pollutants loading study of the San Juan Bay Estuary, Puerto Rico (field sampling activities) / 1998
Proposed sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : acenaphthene. 1991
Proposed sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : fluoranthene. 1991
Proposed sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : phenanthrene. 1991
RECOVERY : a mathematical model to predict the temporal response of surface water to contaminated sediments / 1994
Sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : acenaphthene. 1993
Sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : acenaphthene. 1993
Sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : dieldrin / 1993
Sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : dieldrin. 1993
Sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : endrin. 1993
Sediment quality criteria for the protection of benthic organisms : fluoranthene. 1993
Technical basis for deriving sediment quality criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning : fact sheet. 1993
Technical basis for deriving sediment quality criteria for nonionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning. 1993
The Great Lakes contaminated sediments / 0

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