Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
40 : 40th anniversary report of the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program / 2010
A Coast in common : an introduction to the Eastern African Action Plan. 1989
A database of historical benthic invertebrate biodiversity spanning 182 years in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island and Massachusetts) / 2018
A Day in the life of Delaware's forgotten bay : a scientific survey of Little Assawoman Bay / 1991
A socio-economic study of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island / 1969
A study of the marine resources of Beverly-Salem Harbor / 1967
A study of the marine resources of Pleasant Bay / 1967
A study of the marine resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound estuary / 1968
A survey of the marine environment from Fort Ross, Sonoma County to Point Lobos, Monterey County; the final report of the California Department of Fish and Game to the San Francisco Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Program pursuant to Task order VII la (DFG) 1968
Alabama marine resources bulletin. 1969
America's living oceans : charting a course for sea change : a report to the nation : recommendations for a new ocean policy / 2003
An ocean blueprint for the 21st century : final report. 2004
Annual report / 1994
Annual technical report NSF/RANN grant G.I. 38973, 1973-1974 1975
Atlantic and Indian Oceans environment outlook / 2005
Atlantic Fleet training and testing final environmental impact statement / overseas environmental impact statement / 2018
Atlas of Narragansett Bay coastal habitats / 2001
Background papers on Chesapeake Bay needs in research and related matters : prepared at a workshop on Chesapeake Bay research, September 21-23, 1981 / 1983
Balancing the tides : marine practices in American Samoa / 2020
Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme. 1993
Bay bib : the Narragansett Bay bibliography, 1979-1988 / 1991
Bering Sea ecoregion : a call to action in marine conservation / 2000
Bering Sea ecosystem 1996
Bering Sea ecosystem project : working together for the future : final report / 2000
Bering Sea ecosystem research plan : draft / 1998
Bering Sea Ecosystem Workshop report, Anchorage, Alaska, December 4-5, 1997 1997
Bering Sea restoration plan / 1990
Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas : coastal and ocean zones strategic assessment: data atlas / 1987
Bibliography on information services, systems and centres for marine and freshwater resources and environment 1990
Bioeconomic modelling and valuation of exploited marine ecosystems 2006
Biology, oceanography, and fisheries of the North Pacific transition zone and subarctic frontal zone papers from the North Pacific Transition Zone Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, 9-11 May 1988 / 1991
Blue frontier : saving America's living seas / 2001
Body of evidence : the fragile state of America's oceans : a review of recent science and a framework for recovery. 2004
Briefing book : Office of Marine and Estuarine Protection / 1989
Building consensus : toward an integrated and sustained ocean observing system : Ocean. US Workshop proceedings, Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, March 10-15, 2002. 2002
California and the World Ocean '02 : revisiting and revising California's ocean agenda : proceedings of the conference, October 27-30, 2002, Santa Barbara, California / 2005
California and use of the ocean : a planning study of marine resources / 1965
California Sea Grant report of completed projects, 1994-97. 1998
California's living marine resources and their utilization. 1971
Canada's state of the oceans report, 2012 : a report by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Centre of Expertise on the State of the Oceans. 2011
Celebrating 30 years of protecting our oceans. 2002
Characterization of nonpoint sources and loadings to the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program study area / 1996
Chesapeake Bay strategy for the restoration and protection of ecologically valuable species / 1993
Chesapeake Bay Study : revised plan of study / 1978
Chesapeake Bay study. 1984
Chesapeake quarterly 2002
Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc. annual report June 1, 1971-May 31, 1972 : The Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, Smithsonian Institution, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 1972
Chesapeake toxicological workshop series executive summary / 1991
Clean water ... for the nation's estuaries proceedings of the Maryland - District of Columbia public meeting, Annapolis, Maryland, October 30, 1968. 1968
Clean water for the nation's estuaries; proceedings of the Florida public meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 12, 1968. 1968
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