Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Marine resources)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Gulf of Mexico coastal and ocean zones : strategic assessment data atlas / 1985
Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Science Assessment and Needs. 2012
Gulf-links a resource guide to coastal organizations in the Gulf of Maine region. 1991
Healthy oceans and coasts / 2003
Hood Canal--priorities for tomorrow : an initial report on fish and wildlife, developmental aspects and planning considerations for Hood Canal, Washington / 1974
Hydrologic and ecologic inventories of the coastal waters of west Hawaii : Sea Grant College Program, years 07-08 / 1977
Imam cimiucia = Our changing sea / 2011
Increasing capacity for stewardship of oceans and coasts : a priority for the 21st century / 2008
Indiana Conservancy Act. 1961
Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices / 1998
International environment briefing book on major selected issues : report / 1993
Juvenile Clam Mortality Study at Three Intertidal Flats in Hampton Harbor, New Hampshire. Evaluating Factors Contributing to Mortalities of Juveniles of the Soft-shell Clam (Mya arenaria L.) in Hampton/Seabrook Harbor, New Hampshire. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2002
Large marine ecosystems : stress, mitigation, and sustainability / 1993
Large marine ecosystems of the Indian Ocean : assessment, sustainability, and management / 1998
Large marine ecosystems of the North Atlantic : changing states and sustainability / 2002
Large marine ecosystems of the world : trends in exploitation, protection, and research / 2003
Laws of Virginia relating to the marine resources of the Commonwealth 1980
Legal aspects of protecting and managing the marine and coastal environment of the East African region / 1983
Legislative-political history of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. 1974
Living coastal resources : a coastal zone management technical assistance document / 1976
Living marine resources of the Hope Basin : a resource assessment for the Hope Basin oil and gas lease sale number 86 / 1981
Living resources monitoring plan : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1988
Long-range forecasts of activities in the marine environment. 1971
Louisiana government and the coastal zone--1972 / 1972
Management and conservation of renewable marine resources in the Eastern African Region 1985
Management of marine plastic debris : prevention, recycling, and waste management / 2017
Marine and coastal protected areas : a guide for planners and managers / 2000
Marine ecologonomics : the ecology and economics of marine natural resources management / 1999
Marine ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008 / 2010
Marine environment law in the United Nations Environment Programme 1988
Marine environmental assessment : Chesapeake Bay, December 1985-February 1986 1986
Marine habitat mapping technology for Alaska / 2008
Marine pollution and sea life. La pollution des mers et les ressources biologiques. La contaminacion del mar y los recursos vivos. 1972
Marine resource management in Northern Forum regions : report to the Board of Directors / 1998
Marine resources bulletin. 1963
Marine resources of the Elwha river estuary : Clallam county, Washington / prepared for the National Park Service, Olympic National Park; prepared by Fred Seavey and Gwill Ging. 1995
Marine resources. 1962
Maryland marine notes. 1983
Measuring damages to coastal and marine natural resources : concepts and data relevant for CERCLA type A damage assessments / 1987
Measuring damages to coastal and marine natural resources : concepts and data relevant for CERCLA type A damage assessments / 1987
Method for applying research to environmental planning and management : a case study of issues important to the Chesapeake Bay region 1973
NACOA-Sea grant-ocean dumping : hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceanography and the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session. 1977
Narragansett Bay Window : the Cooperative Bay Program, Phase 1 / 2000
National coastal and marine policy : draft. 1991
National Estuarine Inventory : living marine resources component, West Coast. 1986
National Estuarine Pollution Study. Proceedings of the Virginia Public Meeting, Held at Fort Monroe, Virginia, on November 19, 1968. 1974
National Ocean Conference : oceans of commerce, oceans of life : June 11-12, 1998, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. 1998
National overview and evolution of NOAA's Estuarine Living Marine Resources (ELMR) Program / 2000
Net loss : fish, jobs, and the marine environment / 1994
New technology and marine resource development; a study in government-business cooperation 1970
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