Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Manures)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970 round-up "How to" retail marketing--questions and answers : Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa, July 28-29 : proceedings and handbook. 1970
1972 NFSA round-up "How to compete" : round-up proceedings, July 25-26, Stouffer's Riverfront Inn, St. Louis, Mo. 1972
Abstracts of papers. 1971
Additives and fluid fertilizers a look from inside the tank : '69 round-up / 1969
Agricultural value of dredged sediments : Final report / 1970
America's animal factories : how states fail to prevent pollution from livestock waste / 1998
Animal waste management : {proceedings of the} Cornell University Conference on Agricultural Waste Management : January 13-15, 1969, Syracuse, New York / 1969
Animal waste management. 1969
Annotated bibliography of farm animal wastes 1972
Assessment of technologies for management and treatment of dairy manure in California's San Joaquin Valley 2005
Bioassay of calcium cyanamide for possible carcinogenicity. 1979
Chesapeake Bay Region Nutrient Management Training Manual. 1997
Comparison of alternative manure management systems effect on the environment, total energy requirement, nutrient conservation, contribution to corn silage production and economics / 1983
Composting. 1996
Continuous subsurface injection of liquid dairy manure / 1977
Conversion of cattle manure into useful products / 1976
Cost methodology report for beef and dairy animal feeding operations : final / 2001
Cost methodology report for beef and dairy animal feeding operations : final / 2001
Design parameters for the land application of dairy manure / 1976
Development document for the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
Development document for the proposed revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations / 2001
Effects of fertilizer made from flue gas and fly ash on selected crops and soils 1979
Effects of Livestock Wastes on Small Illinois Streams: Lower Kaskaskia River Basin and Upper Little Wabash River Basins, Summer 1991. 1992
Environment consequences of wood and other biomass sources of energy / 1982
Farm chemicals handbook. 1951
Fertilizer technology & use. 1971
Fertilizers and agricultural chemicals : Sub-Council report / 1971
Final cost methodology report for swine and poultry sectors. 2001
Ground water quality assessment, Hornby Dairy Lagoon, Sunnyside, Washington / 1992
Guidance for evaluating surface water quality improvements resulting from dairy waste best management practices 1996
Impact of fertilizers and agricultural waste products on the quality of waters. 1973
Livestock waste management and pollution abatement proceedings. 1971
Major existing EPA laws and programs that could affect agricultural producers / 2007
Management of nutrients on agricultural land for improved water quality / 1971
Managing livestock wastes : proceedings, 3rd International Symposium on Livestock Wastes-1975, April 21-24, 1975, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. 1975
Managing manure : Utah's animal feeding operation strategy and implementation program / 2004
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations : draft guidance. 2001
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Managing manure nutrients at concentrated animal feeding operations. 2004
Manure and the environment : the Dutch approach to reduce the mineral surplus and ammonia volatilisation. 2001
Manure harvesting practices : effects on waste characteristics and runoff / 1976
Manure harvesting practices : effects on waste characteristics and runoff / 1976
Manure nutrients relative to the capacity of cropland and pastureland to assimilate nutrients : spatial and temporal trends for the United States / 2000
MNB : manure nutrient balancer manual / 1995
Municipal wastewater treatment by the overland flow method of land application / 1979
Nutrient management. 1994
Nutrient mobility in soils accumulation and losses. 1970
Optimization of Biological Recycling of Plant Nutrients in Livestock Waste by Utilizing Waste Heat from Cooling Water. 1982
Pollution implications of animal wastes -- : a forward oriented review / 1973
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