Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Manure handling)

Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of alternative manure management systems : effect on the environment, total energy requirement, nutrient conservation, and contributions to corn silage production and economics / 1984
A Recirculating waste system for swine units / 1971
Aerobic treatment of livestock wastes / 1972
Agricultural anaerobic digestion fundamentals for understanding, evaluating and applying. 0
Alternate methods of manure handling / 1978
Assessment of technologies for management and treatment of dairy manure in California's San Joaquin Valley 2005
Bibliography of livestock waste management 1971
Bibliography of livestock waste management / 1972
Case Studies on the Impact of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) on Ground Water Quality. 2012
Comparison of alternative manure management systems effect on the environment, total energy requirement, nutrient conservation, contribution to corn silage production and economics / 1983
Compliance Assistance EPA/USDA Projects - Livestock : Focus on Livestock Compliance Assistance Project. 1999
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for chicken and turkey CAFOs?. 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for duck CAFOs? 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for horse and sheep CAFOs? 2002
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal requirements for swine CAFOs? 2002
Design parameters for the land application of dairy manure / 1976
Development document for the final revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and the effluent guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations. 2002
Environmental management of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) / 2007
Fact Sheet : Livestock and Poultry Operation Inspections Under EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program. 2014
Ground water quality assessment, Hornby Dairy Lagoon, Sunnyside, Washington / 1992
Guidance for evaluating surface water quality improvements resulting from dairy waste best management practices 1996
Innovative technologies for planning animal feeding operations : comprehensive nutrient management planning : program and proceedings : the Renaissance Denver Hotel, December 4-5-6, 2000, Denver, Colorado / 2000
Literature review of contaminants in livestock and poultry manure and implications for water quality / 2013
Managing animal wastes : guidelines for decision making / 1981
Managing livestock wastes : proceedings, 3rd International Symposium on Livestock Wastes-1975, April 21-24, 1975, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. 1975
Manure management for environmental protection 1977
Manure management for open lot livestock production / 1995
Manure pathogens : manure management, regulations, and water quality protection / 2009
Poultry pollution problems and solutions / 1970
Proceedings. 1964
Studies on chicken manure disposal 1966
Studies on farm livestock wastes 1976
Study of current and proposed practices in animal waste management / 1974
Ultimate disposal of beef feedlot wastes onto land / 1978

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