Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Manganese nodules)

Select Item Title Year Published
Deep ocean mining of manganese nodules in the North Pacific : pre-mining environmental conditions and anticipated mining effects / 1978
Evaluation of ocean disposal of manganese nodule processing waste and environmental considerations 1982
Factors which control the distribution of ferromanganese nodules and proposed research vessel's track, North Pacific : Phase II, Ferromanganese Program, NSF/IDOE 1973
Gulf Coast manganese nodule processing plant location criteria : a report / 1979
Inter-university Program of Research on Ferromanganese Deposits of the Ocean Floor : phase I report 1973
Investigation of the sediments and potential manganese nodule resources of Green Bay, Wisconsin / 1973
Laboratory processing and characterization of waste materials from manganese nodules 1985
Pacific manganese nodules, characterization and processing / 1985
State-of-the Art Environmental Assessment of Onshore Disposal of Manganese Nodule Rejects. 1982
Study of Deep Mining Operational Economics. Volume I. Simulation Development and Study of Obstacle Effects. 1979

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