Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Management Research United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of alternative management practices and policies affecting soil carbon in agroecosystems of the central United States / 1994
At a Glance : Improved Oversight of EPA's Grant Monitoring Program Will Decrease the Risk of Improper Payments. 2015
Comments on EPA's research budget for fiscal year 2009 : a report of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB) / 2008
Drivers, designs, and consequences of environmental management systems : research findings to date from the National Database on Environmental Management Systems : a research compendium / 2001
Ecosystem services : charting a path to sustainability : interdisciplinary research team summaries : conference, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, Irvine, California, November 10-13, 2011. 2012
EPA clean products research program / 1991
ERL-D ecosystems research program. 1987
Guidance for NAQTS : review of meteorological data sources. 1978
Identification and evaluation of biological indicators of terrestrial ecosystem stress. 1990
Identification and evaluation of endpoints and indicators of ecosystem health. 1990
Improved oversight of EPA's grant monitoring program will decrease the risk of improper payments. 2015
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : NATICH data base report on state, local and EPA air toxics activities : final / 1988
NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) : guidance for regional implementation / 1995
Opportunities for pollution prevention research to support the 33/50 program / 1992
Priorities for coastal ecosystem science / 1994
Proceedings : 2000 STAR ecosystem indicators progress review workshop, May 8-10, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2000
Proceedings, 1998 water and watersheds program review : 28-29 January 1998, Corvallis, Oregon / 1998
Proceedings, 1999 water and watersheds program review : 19-21 April 1999, Silver Springs, Maryland / 1999
R&D management : methods used by Federal agencies / 1974
Research needs for high-level waste stored in tanks and bins at U.S. Department of Energy sites : Environmental Management Science Program / 2001
Scientific basis for ecosystem management an assessment by The Ecological Society of America / 1995
Stagnation time, composition, pH, and orthophosphate effects on metal leaching from brass / 1996
Transitioning to sustainability through research and development on ecosystem services and biofuels : workshop summary / 2008
Water and wastewater infrastructure research issues report / 2006

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