Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Accounting for resources, 1 : economy-wide applications of mass-balance principles to materials and waste / 1998
Accounting for resources. 1999
Addendum to the draft and final environmental impact statements for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources trust lands habitat conservation plan. 2006
Agency Review Draft environmental impact statement on the special area management plan for the Hackensack Meadowlands District, New Jersey / Executive Summary 1995
Alternative maps, final environmental impact statement, Willamette National Forest / 1990
Alternatives for sustainable forest management of state trust lands in Western Washington final environmental impact statement (FEIS), July 2004 {electronic resource}. 2004
An ecosystem charter for the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Basin : addendum, signatories and statements. 1997
An Environmental reader for production and operations management / 1991
An organizational guide to pollution prevention. 2001
Annual survey of ongoing research on the impact of forest management practices on water quality and utility-1982. 1982
Are you earning a return on your environmental performance. 2003
Are you earning a return on your environmental performance?. 2001
Assessing forestation opportunities for carbon sequestration in Minnesota / 2010
Assessment of carbon footprint in different industrial sectors. Volume 1 / 2014
Auditing for environmental quality leadership : beyond compliance to environmental excellence / 1995
Balancing act : environmental issues in forestry / 1997
Berwind snagging and clearing project, Dry Fork of Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, West Virginia : final environmental statement / 1971
Beyond compliance : a new industry view of the environment / 1992
Bioscience papers on causes and consequences of tree death. 1988
Bloomington Lake project, North Branch Potomac River, Maryland and West Virginia : environmental statement / 1970
Building green infrastucture : land conservation as a watershed protection strategy / 1999
Burnsville Lake, Little Kanawha River, West Virginia : final environmental statement / 1971
Business and the environment : a resource guide / 1992
Cannibals with forks : the triple bottom line of 21st century business / 1998
Chicago Lakefront Demonstration Project : environmental impact handbook 1977
Choose Energy Star certified office equipment. 2012
Citizen's guide to governmental river management and protection programs and agencies in Wisconsin. 1994
Clean and competitive? : motivating environmental performance in industry / 1997
Clean technologies in U.S. industries : focus on food processing / 1997
Clean technologies in U.S. industries : focus on metal fabrication / 1997
Clean technologies in U.S. industries : focus on pulp and paper / 1997
Cleaner production in industry : integrating business goals and environmental management / 1995
Coastal America : a partnership for action. 1991
Coastal marinas assessment handbook / 1985
Coastal marinas, an environmental approach. 1985
Community and the Northwestern logger : continuities and changes in the era of the spotted owl / 1995
Compilation of speciated reduced sulfur compound and total reduced sulfur emissions data for kraft mill sources 2002
Compliance Assistance Centers : FY2008 Fact Sheet. 2009
Compliance assistance centers : innovative partnerships for environmental compliance. 1998
Compliance assistance tools. 1998
Corporate environmental leader : five steps to a new ethic / 1996
Corporate environmental, health and safety practices in transition : management system responses to changing public expectations, regulatory requirements and incentives / 1996
Corporate environmentalism and public policy 2004
Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things / 2002
Cumulative effects of forest practices on the environment : a state of the knowledge 1984
Dancing with the tiger : learning sustainability step by natural step / 2002
Design for environment : a guide to sustainable product development / 2012
Design for environment : creating eco-efficient products and processes / 1996
Designing environmentally benign solvent substitutes / 1999
Development of a computer-based Air Force installation restoration workstation for contaminant modeling and decision-making 1994
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