Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
301(h) Final Rule: Work Group Closure Addendum. 1993
A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide). 2008
A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide). 2004
A sense of urgency / 2008
A study of pneumatic solid waste collection systems as employed in hospitals. 1974
A utility manager's guide to water and wastewater budgeting / 1994
A water and wastewater manager's guide for staying financially healthy. 1989
Air Pollution/Land Use Planning Project. Volume I. Selected Land Use Control Policies for Air Quality Management. 1973
Alternative Institutional and Financial Arrangements for Areawide Waste Treatment Management. 1974
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
Case Study in the Formulation of a Water Resources Management Plan. 1972
Case Study of the Metropolitan Council as an Environmental Management Organization. 1976
Catalog of Tools, Methods and Measures for Assessing and Improving Performance in HRD Professional Roles in High Performance Organizations. Springboard Version. 1996
Computerized Educational Program for the Application of the Management Sciences to Water Resource Management. 1971
Customer/Supplier Accountability and Quality Assurance (QA) Program Implementation. 1992
Decision Processes in Water Quality Management. 1971
Demographic, Political, and Administrative Setting. 1973
Designing a Control System for Administering MEPA: The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act. 1975
Destruction of hazardous chemicals in the laboratory / 1994
Detroit's Municipal Solid Waste Management System: A Case Study. 1973
Digest: FY 1972 State Programs. 1972
Diversity in the workplace : human resources initiatives / 1992
Effects of Air Pollution on Public Attitudes and Knowledge. 1972
Enlightened leadership : getting to the heart of change / 1994
Ensuring the integrity, accessibility, and stewardship of research data in the digital age / 2009
Environmental management systems : an implementation guide for small and medium-sized organizations / 1996
Executive Summary of Section 208 Program for Designated Areas. Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. 1974
Experiment in Computer-Assisted Supervisory Control of a Water Distribution System. 1972
Extended-aeration plants and intermittent watercourses / 1963
Feasibility of the Metropolitan Water Intelligence System Concept (Integrated Automatic Operational Control). 1971
Financial incentives and pollution control : a case study / 1975
Generic Protocol for Conducting Environmental Audits of Federal Facilities (for Microcomputers). 1995
Generic Protocol for Conducting Environmental Audits of Federal Facilities, December 1996, 3rd Edition (on Diskette). 1997
Generic protocol for conducting environmental audits of federal facilities. 1995
Generic protocol for conducting environmental audits of federal facilities. Phase 1. Volume I. 1996
Generic protocol for conducting environmental audits of federal facilities. Phase 2 and 3. Volume II. 1996
Generic protocol for environmental audits at federal facilities. 1989
Good to great : why some companies make the leap ... and others don't / 2001
Guidelines for Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning. (Section 208 Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendments of 1972). 1975
Hackensack Meadowlands air pollution study / 1973
Hackensack Meadowlands air pollution study : summary report / 1973
Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study. Air Quality Impact of Land Use Planning. 1973
Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study. Emission Projection Methodology. 1973
Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study. Evaluation and Ranking of Land Use Plans. 1973
Human health risk assessment : EPA has taken steps to strengthen its process, but improvements needed in planning, data development, and training : report to the Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate / 2006
Improving rural solid waste management practices / 1973
Information ecology : mastering the information and knowledge environment / 1997
Institutions for Urban-Metropolitan Water Management: Essays in Social Theory. 1972
Intergovernmental Relations and Responses to Water Problems in Florida. 1972
Investigative Study of the California Experience in Airport Noise Regulation. 1975
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