Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Management Audit)

Select Item Title Year Published
1993 transition. 1993
Assessing organizational communication : strategic communication audits / 2004
Assessing utility practices with the strategic asset management gas analysis tool (SAM GAP) / 2010
EPA Can Improve Its Oversight of Audit Followup. 2007
Fiscal 1993 financial statement audit of the pesticides revolving funds, and the oil spill trust fund. 1994
Health and safety audits 1992
Improving internal communications and staff training and development in the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) : Phase 2 action plan / 1992
Office of Water's implementation of the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act. 1994
Organizational change in Region 10 : coloring outside the lines / 1995
OSWER's implementation of the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act. 1994
Projected future 5-year report : EPA Region 10 organizational change project, February 13, 1995 / 1995
Quality assurance manual for MATS information management : a guide to an effective audit follow-up quality assurance program. 1992
Region 10 organizational change - mid course review : taking the pulse of the region. 1998
Report of audit : management of cooperative agreements : Office of Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory, Gulf Breeze, Florida / 1994
Report of audit on ICF Incorporated. 1994
Report of internal and management audit : report of audit on the management of the Chesapeake Bay program point source pollution program / 1989
The strategy-focused organization : how balanced scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment / 2001

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