Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 52
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Select Item Title Year Published
A synoptic approach to cumulative impact assessment : a proposed methodology / 1992
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina in 1990. 1992
Always a river : supplemental environmental education curriculum on the Ohio River and water grades K-12 / 1991
An evaluation of the effects of anthropogenic activity on streamflow in the Columbia River Basin / 1997
Analysis and Assessment of Impacts on Biodiversity : a Framework for Environmental Management on DoD Lands Within the California Mojave Desert: A Research Plan. 1998
Aquatic and terrestrial resources of the Kenai River watershed : a synthesis of publications / 1997
Biodiversity and Landscape Planning: Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California. 1996
Bottomland Hardwoods in the Tifton-Vadalia Upland of Georgia: A Conceptual Model for Ecological Risk Assessment. 1993
Chesapeake Bay watershed : its land and people / 1999
Comparison of Episodic Acidification in Canada, Europe and the United States. 1990
Conceptual Model of the Galveston Bay Ecosystem. 1993
Development of IBI Metrics for Lakes in Southern New England. 1997
Developments at EPA in Addressing Uncertainty in Risk Assessment. 1993
Earth in the balance : ecology and the human spirit / 1992
Ecological risk assessment issue papers. 1994
Elements of the U.S. Carbon Budget: Progress and Preliminary Results. 1991
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : assessment framework / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program master glossary / 1993
Estimates of Biomass Density for Tropical Forests. 1995
Evolution in Lake Tai Ecosystems as a Result of Global Environmental Changes and Human Activities. 1996
Forest health monitoring plot design and logistics study / 1991
Forest Health Monitoring, New England, 1990. Annual Report. 1991
Framework for Characterization. (Revised Final Report March 1992). 1992
Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment at the EPA. Annual Review. 1992
Framework for ecological risk assessment. 1992
Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle. 1993
Guidance for protecting submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay from physical disruption / 1995
Heirarachial framework for conserving biodiversity / 1998
Human Health Effects of Ozone Depletion From Stratospheric Aircraft. 2001
Human Impacts to Minnesota Wetlands. 1989
Interaction of Climate and Land Use in Future Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Release. 1993
Long-term changes in the areal extent of tidal marshes, eelgrass meadows and kelp forests of Puget Sound 1990
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Western Ecology Division: Research Update, July 1997. 1997
Nonpoint source guidance.[microfiche]. 1987
One Earth, One Future: Our Changing Global Environment. 1990
PATCH: A Spatially Explicit Life History Simulator for Terrestrial Vertebrates. 1997
Pesticide spray penetration and thermal comfort of protective apparel for pesticide applicators / 1990
Portraits of our coastal waters : supplement to the national water quality inventory : report from the EPA regions. 1991
Preliminary Particulate Matter Mass Concentrations Associated with Longitudinal Panel Studies: Assessing Human Exposures of High Risk Subpopulations to Particulate Matter. 2001
Priorities for Coastal Ecosystem Science. 1994
Priorities for ecological protection : an initial list and discussion document for EPA. 1997
Quantifying physical habitat in wadeable streams / 1999
Report on the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines Strategic Planning Workshop. 1992
Research needs for risk assessment of inhaled particulate matter : report of a workshop sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Assessment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : Ritz Carlton Hotel, McLean, Virginia, March 10-11, 1992 / 1993
Results of Analysis of Prop Scar Damage at the Fort Desoto Aquatic Habitat Management Area 1992/1993. Action Plan Demonstration Project. 1994
Review of EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP). Interim Report. 1992
Roles of Monitoring and Research in Polar Environments: A Perspective. 1992
Shoreline Erosion Control Using Marsh Vegetation and Low-Cost Structures. 1992
Significance and Characteristics of the Personal Activity Cloud on Exposure Assessment Measurements for Indoor Contaminants. 1991
Stability of Tropospheric OH during Ice Ages, Inter-Glacial Epochs and Modern Times. 1991
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