Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mammals)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Catalog of osteological collections of aquatic mammals from Mexico / 1991
Cataractogenic Potential of Cyclohexanone Dosed Dermally to Guinea Pigs and Rats with Cover Letter dated 011783. 1983
Cause-Specific Mortality among Employees of the Chevron Chemical Company Facility at Richmond with Cover Letter dated 02/08/1984. 1984
Cell Transformation Assays of 11 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Analogs (final Report) Icair Work Assigment No. 10. 2000
Cetaceans of central and northern California, 1980-1983 : status, abundance, and distribution / 1983
Cetaceans of Venezuela : their distribution and conservation status / 2001
Characteristics and causes of Texas marine strandings 1998
Chemical contaminants in marine mammals from Washington State 1984
Chemical contamination of harbor seal pups in Puget Sound 1991
Chemical Effect Report and Review. 1980
Chemical Residues in Dolphins from the U.S. Atlantic Coast Including Atlantic Bottlenose Obtained during the 1987/88 Mass Mortality. 1991
Chemically Induced Aneuploidy in Mammalian Cells in Culture. 1986
Chips on Triphenyl Phosphite Attachments a Thru J with Cover Letter dated 071685. 1985
Chlorothene Vg: a Chronic Inhalation Toxicity and Oncogenicity Study in Rats and Mice (part 1 & 2) with Cover Letter dated 08/21/1984. 1984
Chlorothene Vg: a Chronic Inhalation Toxicity and Oncogenicity Study in Rats and Mice- Part i Results of Findings in Mice Final Report with Cover Letter dated 06/25/1984. 1984
Cho/hgprt Gene Mutation Assay with Epoxidized Soybean Oil (eso) and Chlorinated Eso with Cover Letter dated 021787. 2000
Cho/hgprt Mammalian Cell Foward Gene Mutation Assay with Acetone Cyanohydrin with Cover Letter dated 04/25/1986. 1986
CHO/HGPRT Mutation Assay in the Presence and Absence of Exogenous Metabolic Activation (Final Report) with Cover Letter Dated 08/02/1985. 1985
Cho/hgprt Test on Cumene with Cover Letter. 1985
CHO/HGPRT Test using Gulfcrown Grease E.P. No. 2. 1983
Chromosome Aberration Test using Cultured Mammalian Cells. 2006
Chronic (28-month) Inhalation Toxicity/carcinogenicity Study of Propylene Oxide in Rats. 2000
Chronic (8-month) Feeding Studies with Dc 360 Fluids in Rabbits with Cover Letter dated 04/20/94. 1994
Chronic (one-year) Feeding Studies with Dow Corning Special Polysiloxane in Rats with Cover Letter dated 04/20/94. 1994
Chronic Dietary Administration of Maleic Anhydride with Cover Letters Vol 1 - 5. 1984
Chronic Feeding Toxicity Test for 3 Months with Polydimethylsiloxane in Rats. 1994
Chronic Feeding Toxicity Test for 3 Months with Siloxanes and Silicones Dimethyl in Rats. 1994
Chronic Inhalation Exposure to Rats and Rabbits with Nitromethane and 2-nitropropane (Final Report) with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 08/10/1989. 1989
Chronic Inhalation Toxicity of Antimony Trioxide; Validationof the T.L.V. prepared by Wayne State Univ. with Cover Letter. 1982
Chronic Inhalation Toxicity of Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide in Rats and Monkeys - a Preliminary Report. 2000
Chronic Skin Absorption of Dipropylene Glycol Methyl Ether (50b). 2000
Chronic Skin Absorption of Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether (33b) and Dipropylene Glycol Methyl Ether (50b) in Rabbits. 2000
Clinical Inhalation Studies with HCFC-141B, with Cover Letter dated 12/12/1997. Final Report. 1997
Clinical Manifestation of Zinc Phosphide Poisoning of Animals (Klinicheskoe Proyavlenie Otravleniya Zhivotnykh Fosfidom Tsinka). 1967
Closed-Patch Repeated Insult Dermal Sensitization Study in Guinea Pigs (Buehler Method) with N-Isopropylaniline with Cover Letter Dated 05/06/1994. 1994
Cohort Study of Mortality of Vermiculite Miners Exposed to Tremolite with Cover Letter dated 030486. 1986
Colorado's Natural Heritage: Rare and Imperiled Animals, Plants, and Plant Communities; October 1997 Volume 3, No 1 1997
Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with Reproduction/Developmental Toxicity Screening Test with 1,6-Hexamethylene Diisocyanate in the Sprague-Dawley Rat, with Cover Letter dated 06/21/1999. 1999
Combining Inupiaq and scientific knowledge : ecology in Northern Kotzebue Sound, Alaska / 2011
Comment Letter from Stauffer Chemical Co to Tsca Public Information Office, Epa Regarding Aryl Phosphates/epa's Response to the Interagency Testing Committe (opts-42038). 2000
Comments and Information on Calcium Naphthenate with Cover Letter dated 092783 (summary of Reports Preformed on Calcium Napthenate Products). 1983
Comparative Anatomy of Mammalian Respiratory Tracts: The Nasopharyngeal Region and the Tracheobronchial Region. 1986
Comparative evaluation of several small mammal species as monitors of heavy metals, radionuclides, and selected organic compounds in the environment / 1989
Comparative Oxygen Affinity of Fish and Mammalian Myoglobins. 1989
Comparative Toxicology of the Pyrethroid Insecticides. 1989
Comparison of Maternal and Fetal Toxic Dose Responses in Mammals (Journal Version). 1987
Comparison of Primary Skin Irritation and Effects of Repeated Prolonged Skin Exposure to Various Volatile Experimental Cosmetic Fluids w/SD Alcohol 40 w/Cover Letter Dated 04/20/1994. 1994
Compound 1081: {microform} decision document (pesticide products containing fluoracetamide). Notice of determination concerning the rebuttable presumption against registration. 1980
Comprehensive list of Chesapeake Bay Basin species 1998 1998
Compreshensive List of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species, 2007. 2007
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