Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Alaska placer mining metals study 1998
Alaska placer mining metals study : year two / 1999
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri River Basins / 1979
Assessment of environmental impact of the mineral mining industry / 1979
Assessment of fugitive particulate emission factors for industrial processes / 1978
Background for NEPA reviewers : non-coal mining operations / 1994
Cahaba River wastewater facilities, Jefferson, Shelby and St. Clair Counties, Alabama : Appendices : environmental impact statement / 1978
Catalytic waste treatment systems for Great Lake ore carriers / 1976
Coeur d'Alene basin : EPA water quality monitoring (1972-1986) / 1988
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Third Edition (Including Supplements 1-7). Supplement No. 8. 1978
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 1. 1974
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 2. 1974
Criteria for developing pollution abatement programs for inactive and abandoned mine sites / 1975
Depositional Environments and Sediment Characteristics of the Colville and Adjacent Deltas, Northern Arctic Alaska. 1975
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category. 1982
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category. 1982
Development of procedures for the measurement of fugitive emissions / 1976
Environmental Evaluation of Snoqualmie National Forest Resource Management Programs. 1973
Evaluation of Natural Rivers. 1971
Evolution of California's Placer Mining Landscape. 1998
Focus on environmental geology : a collection of case histories and readings from original sources / 1976
Full-Scale Desulfurization of Stack Gas by Dry Limestone Injection. Volume III. Appendices I through L. 1973
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program Tenth Monthly Report. 1972
Health Risks of Radon and Other Internally Deposited Alpha-Emitters: BEIR IV (Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations). 1988
Inactive and abandoned underground mines : water pollution prevention and control / 1975
Innovative concepts for detecting and locating leaks in waste impoundment liner systems : acoustic emission monitoring and time domain reflectometry / 1984
Inventory of Land Use and Land Use Practices in the United States Great Lakes Basin with Emphasis on Certain Trends and Projections to 1980 and Where Appropriate, to 2020. Volume I: Great Lakes Basin. 1976
Investigation of the Reactivities of Limestone to Remove Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gas. 1970
Metals mining and milling process profiles with environmental aspects / 1976
Methodology for assessing environmental implications and technologies : nonferrous metals industries / 1976
Methodology Study to Develop Evaluation Criteria for Wild and Scenic Rivers. Report of Evaluation of Minerals and Mineral Potential of the Salmon River Drainage Basin in Idaho Subproject. 1970
Mine spoil potentials for soil and water quality / 1974
Mobilization of Aluminum in a Natural Soil System: Effects of Hydrologic Pathways. 1987
Northern Great Plains Resource Program, Mineral Resources Work Group Report. 1974
Prediction parameters of radionuclide retention at low-level radioactive waste sites / 1984
Proceedings of the Federal Conference on the Great Lakes, (1st), Held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, December 13-15, 1972. 1972
Radioactivity in Selected Mineral Extraction Industries - A Literature Review. 1978
Regional Topography, Physiography, and Geology of the Northern Great Plains. 1974
Report on Pollution Affecting Water Quality of the Cheyenne River System, Western South Dakota. 1971
Rocky Mountain Environmental Research. Quest for a Future. Problems and Research Priorities in the Rocky Mountain Region. 1975
Source control techniques for acid mine drainage / 1985
Specification of Environmentally Significant Areas in the Denver Region. 1977
State taxation of mineral deposits and production / 1977
Study of Deep Mining Operational Economics. Volume I. Simulation Development and Study of Obstacle Effects. 1979
Study of Waste Generation, Treatment and Disposal in the Metals Mining Industry. 1976
Technical and microeconomic analysis of arsenic and its compounds / 1976
Tidal flats in estuarine water quality analysis / 1975
United States mineral resources / 1973
Vegetative stabilization of mineral waste heaps / 1976
Water pollution caused by inactive ore and mineral mines : a national assessment / 1976
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