Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 707
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1988 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program : final report / 1988
1989 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program and three-hour air toxics monitoring program / 1990
1990 nonmethane organic compound and three-hour air toxics monitoring program / 1991
1995 Rocky Mountain Symposium on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas Operations : practical solutions for the '90's : proceedings : Golden, Colorado, USA, October 16-18, 1995 / 1995
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities : Somersworth Sanitary Landfill, Somersworth, New Hampshire / 2005
A case study of the Los Angeles County Palos Verdes landfill gas development project / 1977
A Complete disposal-recycle scheme for agricultural solid wastes / 1977
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A guide for methane mitigation projects : gas-to-energy at coal mines : draft / 1996
A Guide for methane mitigation projects : gas-to-energy at landfills and open dumps / 1996
A study of vegetation problems associated with refuse landfills / 1978
A study to improve EPA Methods 15 and 16 for reduced sulfur compounds / 1980
A theoretical analysis of nitric oxide production in a methane/air turbulent diffusion flame / 1980
Aatgaerder mot klimatfoeraendringar. (Measures against climatic change). 1992
Adapting woody species and planting techniques to landfill conditions : field and laboratory investigations / 1979
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride) / 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1985
Affluent Effluent: New Choices in Wastewater Treatment. 1983
Air emissions from municipal solid waste landfills : background information for proposed standards and guidelines / 1991
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : database of emission rate measurement projects / 1991
Ambient hydrocarbon and ozone concentrations near a refinery / 1983
Ambient hydrocarbon and ozone concentrations near a refinery : Benicia, California 1975 / 1980
Ambient water quality criteria for halomethanes / 1980
Amendment to the best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F006 / 1988
An environmental study of bovine somatotropin use in the U.S. : impacts on methane emissions / 1996
An evaluation of landfill gas migration and a prototype gas migration barrier / 1975
An exposure and risk assessment for trihalomethanes : chloroform, bromoform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane / 1980
An introduction to options for reducing methane emissions from coal mines. 1993
An SAB report review of drinking water health criteria document. [electronic resource] : 1992
Anaerobic biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in freshwater lake sediments at different temperatures / 1989
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Nitrogen-Substituted and Sulfonated Benzene Aquifer Contaminants. 1989
Anaerobic digestion of solid waste and sewage sludge to methane / 1975
Analysis of factors affecting methane gas recovery from six landfills / 1991
Analysis of factors affecting methane gas recovery from six landfills : project summary / 1991
Analytical method evaluation for measuring ethylene oxide emissions from commercial dilute-acid hydrolytic control units / 1989
Anoxic diagenesis and bacterial methane production in deep sea sediments, 1974
Anthropogenic methane emissions in the United States, estimates for 1990 : report to Congress / 1993
Applicability of Reduction to Sulfur Techniques to the Development of New Processes for Removing SO2 from Flue Gases. Volume I. 1969
Application of Fourier transform spectroscopy to air pollution problems : interim report - 1977 / 1978
Application of Recombinant DNA Technology in Methane Biosynthesis. 1986
Application of recombinant DNA technology to methane biosynthesis / 1987
Application of tunable diode lasers as a fas-response system to measure transient emissions from rotary kilns / 1996
Applying Membrane Processes to Groundwater Sources for Trihalomethane Precursor Control. 1987
Approach for estimating global landfill methane emissions / 1991
Approach for estimating global landfill methane emissions / 1991
Approach for estimating global landfill methane emissions / 1991
Arabidopsis Assay for Mutagenicity. 1994
Assessing the risks of trace gases that can modify the stratosphere / 1987
Assessing toxicity of organic chemicals to anaerobic treatment processes / 1989
Assessment of the mutagenic potential of carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane, ethylene dichloride, and methyl bromide : a comparative analysis in relation to ethylene dibromide / 1985
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