Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lungs Cancer)

Select Item Title Year Published
A death certificate review of urinary bladder and lung cancer deaths in southeast Chicago, 1968-1982 / 1986
Air pollution and cancer in man proceedings of the Second Hanover International Carcinogenesis Meeting held in Hanover, 22-24 October, 1975 / 1977
Asbestos and cancer : the first thirty years 1978
Asbestos health assessment update / 1984
Biology, toxicology, and carcinogenesis of respiratory epithelium 1990
Building 6 : the tragedy at Bridesburg / 1977
Case-control study of radon and lung cancer among New Jersey women. 1989
Causation and casual inference in epidemiology : radon and lung cancer / 1987
Current and past studies on household radon exposure and lung cancer / 1988
Diesel emissions and lung cancer : an evaluation of recent epidemiological evidence for quantitative risk assessment / 2015
Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer / 0
Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer risk 1995
Environmental tobacco smoke in the workplace : lung cancer and other health effects / 1991
Epidemiology of cancer of the lung; 1960
Estimating the risk of lung cancer from inhalation of radon daughters indoors : review and evaluation / 1988
Estimating the risk of lung cancer from inhalation of radon daughters indoors : review and evaluation / 1988
Evaluation of occupational and environmental exposures to radon and radon daughters in the United States : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1984
Experimental lung cancer : carcinogenesis and bioassays : international symposium held at the Battelle Seattle Research Center, Seattle, Wa., USA, June 23-26, 1974 1974
Health effects of passive smoking : assessment of lung cancer in adults and respiratory disorders in children / 1990
Health effects of passive smoking : assessment of lung cancer in adults and respiratory disorders in children : review draft. 1990
Indoor radon and lung cancer, reality or myth? twenty-ninth Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment, October 15-19, 1990 / 1992
Lung cancer : advances in basic and clinical research / 1995
Lung cancer epidemiology in the Rocky Mountain states, 1953-1962 / 1965
Mineral fibers and health 1991
Morphology of experimental respiratory carcinogenesis; proceedings of a Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, conference. 1970
Occupational exposure to silica and cancer risk / 1989
Pathogenesis and therapy of lung cancer 1978
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons : their global atmospheric emissions, transport, and lung cancer risk / 2016
Potential risk of lung cancer from diesel engine emissions : report to the Diesel Impacts Study Committee, Assembly of Engineering, National Research Council 1981
Quest into the environmental causes of cancer of the lung. 1955
Radon daughter exposure and respiratory cancer quantitative and temporal aspects : report from the epidemiological study of United States uranium miners / 1971
Radon workshop proceedings. 1989
RadTown USA : Radiation in Tobacco. 2006
RadTown USA : Radiation in Tobacco. 2014
Reporting on radon : a journalist's guide to covering the nation's second-leading cause of lung cancer / 1989
Respiratory health effects of passive smoking : lung cancer and other disorders / 1992
Review of the Office of Research and Development's draft report, "Health effects of passive smoking, assessment of lung cancer in adults and respiratory disorders of children" (EPA/600/6-90/006A) : report of the Indoor Air Quality and Total Human Exposure Committee. 1991
Role of ozone in tracheal cell transformation 1992
Synergistic effect of polonium-210 and cigarette smoke in rats / 1975
The molecular genetics of lung cancer / 2004
The relationship between indoor radon and lung cancer : a study of feasibility of an epidemiological study : final report / 1981
The Role of ozone in tracheal cell transformation / 1992

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