Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lumber)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of volatile organic compound and condensible particulate matter measurement methods used on furnish dryers in the oriented strandboard industry. 1994
An analysis of proposed domestic climate warming mitigation program impacts on international forest product markets / 1994
Analysis of the timber situation in the United States, 1989-2040 1991
Assessment of fugitive particulate emission factors for industrial processes / 1978
Assessment of storm water related chlorophenol releases from wood protection facilities in British Columbia 1987
Combustion of Wood Residue in Conical (Wigwam) Burners, Emission Controls and Alternatives. 1975
Contemporary timber drying / 1975
Demonstration of a 200-Kilowatt Biomass Fueled Power Plant. 1994
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the wet storage, sawmills, particleboard and insulation board segment of the timber products processing point source category. 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance : timber products industry : veneer/plywood and hardboard, wood preserving. 1973
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards and pretreatment standards for the timber products processing point source category. 1981
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the timber products processing point source category. 1979
Directory of the wood products industry. 1993
Dismantling railroad freight cars; a study of improved methods with application to other demolition problems, 1969
Economic impact analysis of alternative pollution control technologies : wood preserving subcategories of the timber products industry / 1980
Effects of log dumping and rafting on the marine environment of southeast Alaska : final report for period July 1, 1972-August 30, 1973 / 1974
Environmental impacts of treated wood / 2006
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project : profile of the lumber and wood products industry. 1995
Evaluation of recycled plastic lumber for marine applications / 1993
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Coatings in Reducing Dislodgeable Arsenic, Chromium, and Copper from CCA Treated Wood. Quality Assurance Project Plan Category II/Sampling and Analysis Revision 6. 2003
Evolution of standardized procedures for adjusting lumber properties for change in moisture content / 2001
Forest killers : the destruction of the American wilderness / 1975
Glacier Log Homes project report 1991
Investigation and cleanup of wood-treatment sites. 1992
Legacy of Luna : the story of a tree, a woman, and the struggle to save the redwoods / 2001
Legacy of Luna : the story of a tree, a woman, and the struggle to save the redwoods / 2000
Log storage and rafting in public waters : a task force report approved by Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Council, August 1971. 1971
Lumber recovery from old-growth coast Douglas-fir / 1973
Maryland timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 2008 / 2012
Michigan timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 2006 / 2010
North Carolina's timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 1994 / 1996
Pesticide fact sheet : sinesto b. 1993
Pollution abatement and control in the forest products industry, 1972-73 1974
Pulp and paper development study. 1958
Superfund record of decision : Joseph Forest Products, OR : first remedial action - final. 1992
Superfund record of decision : Saunders Supply, VA : first remedial action - final. 1991
The forest sector carbon budget of the United States : carbon pools and flux under alternative policy options / 1993
The influence of log handling on water quality / 1973
The last stand : the war between Wall Street and Main Street over California's ancient redwoods / 1997
Trophic Transfer of Contaminants from Organisms Living by Chromated-Copper-Arsenate (CCA)-Treated Wood to Their Predators. 1993
Uptake of Metals from Chromated-Copper-Arsenate (CCA)-Treated Lumber by Epibiota. 1993
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer producing treated wood products 1992
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer producing treated wood products / 1992
Water link : a history of Puget Sound as a resource 1981
Wood use in Colorado at the turn of the twenty-first century / 2001
Wood-treatment site cleanup. 1992

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