Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
... evaluation report to the U.S. Congress on the effectiveness of Louisiana coastal wetland restoration projects. 1997
1962-1967 summary of monthly means and maximums of pollutant concentrations : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks 1969
1975 environmental conditions relative to shrimp production in coastal Louisiana 1975
1976 environmental conditions relative to shrimp production in coastal Louisiana 1976
A comparison of three flooding regimes Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana / 1978
A framework for an integrated and comprehensive monitoring plan for the estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico / 2000
A hydrological, chemical, and biological assessment of Bayou aux Carpes, New Orleans, Louisiana / 1985
A report on the conservation and development of water and land resources / 1955
A study of mortality of oysters of the Buras area of Louisiana : submitted to Texas A. and M. Research Foundation as a final report on one phase of Project 9, Oyster Mortality Investigation / 1950
A use attainability study : an evaluation of fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages of the lower Calcasieu River, Louisiana / 1986
A water quality success story : the Pearl River near Bogalusa, Louisiana. 1976
Acute and chronic effects of salinity on two populations of red swamp crawfish, Procambarus clarki. 1967
Against the wind : protecting your home from hurricane wind damage / 1993
Agriculture Street Landfill Superfund Site, New Orleans, Louisiana Final Close Out Report. 2002
Air Flotation-Biological Oxidation of Synthetic Rubber and Latex Wastewater. 1973
Air pollution and New Orleans asthma 1962
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans : Louisiana / 1978
Air quality maintenance area analysis for the Shreveport air quality maintenance area : final report / 1977
Air Quality Monitoring in Shreveport, Louisiana. 1977
Air quality objectives for the Baton Rouge ozone nonattainment area not met under EPA Agreement 2A-96694301 awarded to the Railroad Research Foundation / 2013
Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi tour book 0
Alluvial aquifer in northeastern Louisiana : a large source of water / 1962
Alternative disinfectants and granular activated carbon effects on trace organic contaminants / 1987
Alternative disinfectants and granular activated carbon effects on trace organic contaminants / 1987
Alternative Disinfectants for Drinking Water Treatment. 1994
Ambient Air Quality After Hurricane Katrina. 2008
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion X : Texas-Louisiana coastal and Mississippi alluvial plains including all or parts of the states of: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois, and the authorized tribes within the ecoregion / 2001
America's wetland : campaign to save coastal Louisiana. 2002
America's wetland : Louisiana's vanishing coast / 2005
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Inspection of Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation and Improvements, Town of Ball, Louisiana. 2010
An ecological assessment of the Louisiana Tensas River Basin / 1999
An ecological characterization study of the Chenier Plain coastal ecosystem of Louisiana and Texas 1979
An ecological study of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) / 1976
An ecological study of hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) / 1976
An evaluation of methods to identify and quantify sublethal stress in wetland vegetation : Draft final report / 1990
An unnatural metropolis : wresting New Orleans from nature / 2005
Analyses of brines from oil-productive formations in south Arkansas and north Louisiana 1963
Analysis of alternative modifications for reducing backwater at the Interstate Highway 10 crossing of the Pearl River near Slidell, Louisiana 1988
Analysis of ground-water flow in the "1,200-foot" aquifer, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana 1994
Analysis of Random Errors in Air-Quality Measurements. 1977
Analysis of stream temperatures in Louisiana 1973
Analysis of the low-flow characteristics of streams in Louisiana / 1985
Analysis of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's "Economic analysis of proposed and interim final effluent guidelines for the onshore oil producing industry" 1977
Analytical report, New Orleans area water supply study / 1975
Anticipating environmental problems facing hurricane debris landfills in New Orleans East 2006
Application of Isotherms for Predictions of GAC Performance: A Preliminary Analysis. 1992
Application of the synoptic approach to wetland designation : a case study in Louisiana. 1990
Application of the Synoptic Approach to Wetland Designation: A Case Study in Louisiana. 1990
Applications of digital modeling for evaluating the ground-water resources of the "2,000-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana / 1982
Aquatic and wetland plants of the western Gulf Coast / 2010
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