Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Agricultural lands pilot field program report 1993 / 1995
Agroecosystem pilot Field Program plan - 1993 / 1993
Arsenic and Antimony Removal from Drinking Water by Point-of-Entry Reverse Osmosis Coupled with Dual Plumbing Distribution U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Carmel Elementary School in Carmel, ME. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2011
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media. U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Covered Wells in Tohono O'odham Nation, AZ. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2011
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media: U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Webb Consolidated Independent School District in Bruni, TX. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2011
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Iron Removal. U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Northeastern Elementary School in Fountain City, IN. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2011
Balancing green : when to embrace sustainability in a business (and when not to) / 2018
Emission Reduction Using Gaseous Fuels for Vehicular Propulsion. 1971
Enhancing supply chain performance with environmental cost information : examples from Commonwealth Edison, Andersen Corporation, and Ashland Chemical. 2000
Environmental and Material Flow Cost Accounting Principles and Procedures / [electronic resource] : 2009
Evaluating the effectiveness of design for the environment tools to help meet sustainability and design goals / 2013
Evaluation of Miniburn Test Data for the SQI, Support of Interim Operations. [electronic resource]. 1993
Evaluation of Propylene Carbonate in Air Logistics Center (ALC) Depainting Operations. 1994
Facilitating Sustainable Innovation through Collaboration A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective / [electronic resource] : 2010
Featured partner : Saddle Creek transportation. 2021
Field Sampling Plan for the National Study of Chemical Residues in Lake Fish Tissue (Revision). 2002
Forest health monitoring plot design and logistics study / 1991
Freight systems, intermodal transportation, hazardous materials, and international trade. 2010
In-House Solvent Reclamation Efforts in Air Force Maintenance Operations. 1988
Logistic and Economic Factors Affecting the Reclamation and Recycling of Waste Material and By-Products, Project 3: Assignment of Responsibilities in DoD Organizations. 1975
Logistics of ecological sampling on large rivers / 2001
Logistics partner 2.0.11 tool : data collection overview and workbook, 2011 data year - United States version. part 2 / 2012
Logistics partner 2.0.11 tool : data entry guide, 2011 data year - United States version. part 3 / 2012
Logistics partner 2.0.11 tool : getting started guide, 2011 data year - United States version. part 1 / 2012
Logistics partner 2.0.11 tool : technical documentation 2011 data year--United States version / 2012
Logistics partner 2.0.12 tool : data entry and troubleshooting guide, 2012 data year - United States version / 2013
Logistics partner 2.0.12 tool : quick start guide, 2012 data year - United States version / 2013
LSW-500 Disposal of Air Force Liquid Wastes. 1975
Manual of Practice for Protection and Cleanup of Shorelines: Volume II. Implementation Guide. 1979
Manual of protective action guides and protective actions for nuclear incidents. 1980
Near-road NO2 monitoring technical assistance document / 2012
Partner profile : Penske Logistics. 2012
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Antarctic Logistics and Operations : Cambridge, United Kingdom, 6-7 August, 1996 / 1998
Quality and environmental regulation : verifying compliance along the supply chain / 2011
SmartWay Transport : helping the freight industry save fuel, money, and the environment : 2005 annual report / 2006
State participation in federal-lead removal actions. 1996
Superfund Program Management Manual, Fiscal Year 1990. Volume 2. Appendices. 1989
Superfund record of decision : Barstow Marine Corps Logistics Base, OU 3 & 4, Barstow, CA. 1997
Superfund record of decision : Fort Lewis Logistics Center, WA : first remedial action - final. 1990
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 1 PSC 1, PSC 2, PSC 3, & PSC 26, Albany, GA. 1997
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 1, Albany, GA. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 1, Albany, GA. 1994
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 2, Albany, GA. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 3 PSC 16 & PSC 17, Albany, GA. 1997
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 4, Albany, Georgia, 4/2/1999. 1999
Superfund record of decision : Marine Corps Logistics Base, Operable Unit 5 (PSC 8), Albany, GA. 1995
Superfund removal procedures : state participation in federal-lead removal actions. 1996
Supply chain management for sustainable food networks / 2016
Sustainable transport : new trends and business practices / 2012
The lean and green supply chain : a practical guide for materials managers and supply chain managers to reduce costs and improve environmental performance / 2000
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