Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250
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Select Item Title Year Published
Revised procedural guide for designation surveys of ocean dredged material disposal sites 1990
Risk analysis and decision processes : the siting of liquefied energy gas facilities in four countries 1983
Seabrook and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission : the licensing of a nuclear power plant / 1980
Selection and investigation of sites for the disposal of radioactive wastes in hydraulically induced subsurface fractures / 1982
Sensitive environments and the siting of hazardous waste management facilities. 1997
Septic Tank Setback Distances: A Way to Minimize Virus Contamination of Drinking Water. 1989
Site assessment : evaluating risks at Superfund sites. 1993
Site planning and potential use for sanitary landfills 1973
Sites contaminated and potentially contaminated with radioactivity in the United States / 1991
Sites for our solid waste : a guidebook for effective public involvement. 1990
Siting hazardous waste facilities : a final report 1981
Siting hazardous waste facilities : guiding principles / by W. Victoria Becker. 1993
Siting hazardous waste facilities a guide for local government / 1986
Siting hazardous waste treatment facilities : the Nimby Syndrome / 1991
Siting of fuel reprocessing plants and waste management facilities / 1970
Siting of hazardous waste management facilities and public opposition : final report / 1979
Siting of major facilities : presentations at the 104th meeting of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission. 1979
Siting of reactors and nuclear research centres; proceedings. 1963
Social Accounting Approaches to Water Resource Use in Economic Development. 1972
Social aspects of siting RCRA hazardous waste facilities. 2000
Social/Environmental Systems for Regional Development Planning. 1973
Sociodemographic data used for identifying potentially highly exposed populations. 1999
Socioeconomic impacts of power plants : final report / 1982
Solid Waste Management in the Drug Industry. 1973
Solid Waste Management in the Industrial Chemical Industry. 1973
Source assessment : acroylonitrile manufacture (air emissions) / 1977
State perspectives on energy facility siting 1978
Study of the Feasibility of Federal Procurement of Fuels Produced from Solid Wastes. 1975
Study on environmental equity in Washington State 1995
Study on environmental equity in Washington State supplemental atlas / 1995
Superfund : civilian federal agencies slow to clean up hazardous waste : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1987
Superfund today : focus on property issues. 2000
Survey of the Nation's Lakes Field Operations Manual, Draft. 2006
Survey of users of the EPA - reference method for measurement of non-methane hydrocarbons in ambient air / 1974
Technical and economic feasibility of non-coastal power plant siting in California: summary : a report to the Assembly General Research Committee / 1971
Technical report : upgrading trickling filters / 1978
The benefits of regulating hazardous waste disposal : land values as an estimator / 1982
The pollution potential in pesticide manufacturing / 1972
The socioeconomic impacts of synthetic fuels : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy Development and Applications of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, April 28, 1982. 1982
Time spent in activities, locations, and microenvironments : a California-national comparison / 1991
Toxic communities : environmental racism, industrial pollution, and residential mobility / 2014
Toxic communities : environmental racism, industrial pollution, and residential mobility / 2014
Toxic empire the WMX Corporation, hazardous waste, and global strategies for environmental justice. 1994
Toxic struggles : the theory and practice of environmental justice / 1993
Union List of Serials, 1977. Second Edition. 1977
Urban policy and industrial land use in New Jersey 1978
Using a Dynamic GIS to Visualize and Analyze Mobile Source Emissions. 1996
Utah energy facility siting study: phase I, Great Basin / 1980
Wadeable Streams Assessment: Site Evaluation Guidelines. 2004
Waste programs environmental justice accomplishments report : executive summary. 1995
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