Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1041
Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Local government)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Building state and local pollution prevention programs / 1992
Building sustainable communities : an environmental guide for local government. 1991
Building sustainable communities : an environmental guide for local government. 1990
California environmental quality act : innovation in state and local decisionmaking / 1974
California policy choices. 1984
California's political process 1973
Cape May to Montauk : a coastal protection report card / 2002
Capital Improvements Programming for Local Governments. 1975
Capital Investment for Water Pollution Control at the State and Local Level. 1972
Career Choices. 1975
Case studies assessing low-cost, in-place technologies at small water systems / 1992
Case studies in wellhead protection : ten examples of innovative wellhead protection programs. 1992
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume II: Environmental Permits and Approvals Relating to Phosphate Mining and Fertilizer Manufacturing in Florida. 1978
Central Oklahoma perspective. [electronic resource] 2008
Characterization of Baseline Demographic Trends in the Year-Round and Recreational Populations in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study Area. 1989
Charlotte Harbor National Esturary Program: Federal Consistency Report. 1999
Chesapeake Bay Toxics Reduction Strategy Stakeholder Roundtables: Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia Summaries. 1994
Choosing the optimum financial strategy for pollution control investments. 1976
Cities and the Nation's Disposal Crisis. 1973
Citizen committees : a guide to their use in local government / 1977
City of Elizabeth, New Jersey Excess Clean Water State Revolving Funds Claimed. Quick Reaction Report. 2008
Clean Communities on the Move: A Partnership-Driven Approach to Clean Air and Smart Transportation. 2005
Clean Lakes Program : a review of the first decade. 1985
Clean Sweep Report. 2002
Clean Water - Report to Congress-1973. 1973
Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America's Waters. 1998
Clean water state revolving fund programs : 2007 annual report : yesterday, today & tomorrow, 20 years of progress. 2008
Clean Water State Revolving Fund programs : annual report. 0
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report. 2009
Cleanup and Mixed-Use Revitalization on the Wasatch Front. The Midvale Slag Superfund Site and Midvale City, Utah. 2011
Coastal nonpoint pollution control program : program development and approval guidance / 1993
Collection of data pertinent to the EPA's development of guidelines for government procurements of paper products containing recycled materials. 1979
Community Based Environmental Decision Making. Proceedings. Session One. Approaches to Valuing the Environment. Held in Arlington, Virginia on May 9, 2000. 2000
Community Based Environmental Decision Making. Proceedings. Session Three. Cooperation in Environmental Decision Making. Held in Arlington, Virginia on May 9, 2000. 2000
Community guide to EPA's partnership programs. 2009
Community right-to-know and small business : understanding sections 311 and 312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986. 1988
Community Water Problems as a Factor in Municipal Incorporation in Montana. 1968
Compendium of EPA U.S.-Mexico border activities. 1999
Compendium of Federal financial assistance programs : targeting programs for state and local ground-water protection. 1990
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air / 1984
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air : supplement / 1986
Compendium of State Air Pollution Control Agencies, 1972. 1972
Compilation and speciation of national emission factors for consumer/commercial solvent use : information compiled to support urban air toxics assessment studies. 1989
Compilation of air toxics emission inventory questionnaires / 1988
Compilation of Federal, state, and local laws controlling nonpoint pollutants : an analysis of the law affecting agriculture, construction, mining, and silviculture activity / 1975
Compiling air toxics emission inventories / 1986
Compiling air toxics emission inventories / 1990
Composting yard trimmings and municipal solid waste. 1994
Comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and selected management issues. 1982
Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan for the Currituck Sound Drainage Basin: Background Investigations. 1990
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