Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Loans)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A State and local government guide to environmental program funding alternatives. 1994
Access versus assets : a comprehensive guide to resource sharing for academic librarians / 1993
Alaska State and Tribal Response Program: Brownfield Handbook. 2010
Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Environmental Programs. State Capacity Task Force, the Alternative Financing Mechanisms Team Report. 1992
Alternative Methods of Financing Wastewater Treatment. Report to Congress. 1975
An Overview of existing state alternative financing programs : financing drinking water system capital needs in the 1990's. 1992
Annual report / 0
ARL/RLG interlibrary loan cost study : a joint effort by the Association of Research Libraries and the Research Libraries Group / 1993
Bibliography : recent articles on interlibrary loan / 1994
Choosing optimum financial strategies : pollution control systems / 1978
Clean water state revolving fun financing America's environmental infrastructure -- a report of progress. 1995
Clean water state revolving fund : practical approaches to improving pace : hands on approaches. 1997
Clean water state revolving fund programs : 2007 annual report : yesterday, today & tomorrow, 20 years of progress. 2008
Clean Water State Revolving Fund programs : annual report. 0
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report. 2009
Combined sewer overflows : guidance for funding options / 1995
Compendium of Federal financial assistance programs : targeting programs for state and local ground-water protection. 1990
Debarment and suspension. / 1991
Document delivery decisions : a data analysis comparison of interlibrary loan versus commercial document suppliers at the U.S. EPA Andrew W. Breidenback Environmental Research Center Library / 2000
Environmental Trust Funds: An Evaluation. 1974
EPA 1996 clean water needs survey : small community wastewater needs / 1999
EPA funds available for forestry projects : state foresters, landowners, and private organizations are eligible / 2004
EPA Library Network directory of ILL contacts. 1994
EPA Needs Definitive Guidance for Recovery Act and Future Green Reserve Projects. Evaluation Report. 2010
FACT: financing alternatives comparison tool / 2007
Federal funding sources for small community wastewater systems. 1997
Financial assistance programs for pollution prevention and control available through the federal government. 1977
Financial Assistance Summaries for AFO's. 2005
Grants and loans for municipal water supply and wastewater treatment systems water conservation provisions 1979
Guide to using EPA's automated clearing house for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program. 1998
Handling hazardous materials incidents a lending library of audiovisual training programs for emergency response personnel / 0
Homeowner's guide to surviving the real estate crash of 2008 / 2008
INDIPAY Model: Evaluates Individual Taxpayer's Claims of Inability to Afford Penalities and Compliance Costs (Version 1.2.5) (on Diskette). 1998
Interactive DOCLINE tutorial and reference {electronic resource} / 1997
Interlibrary loan codes, 1980 1981
Interlibrary loan practices handbook 1997
Introduction to Brownfields economic redevelopment initiative and environmental justice. 1998
Major financial assistance programs available for industrial pollution control expenditures : Federal and EPA Region III State Programs / 1977
Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Credit Assistance Pilot Project 1995
Proceedings of Financing for the Next Generation a national conference on innovations in financing wastewater treatment, November 18-20, 1986, New Orleans, Louisiana 1987
Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grants. 2005
RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module. Introduction to: Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative and Environmental Justice. 1997
Self-assessment for small publicly owned water systems / 1989
Small business truck loans for SmartWay Transport fuel-saving technologies. 2006
SmartWay Transport fuel-saving technology packages for trucking companies / 2006
SmartWay Transport fuel-saving technology packages for trucking companies / 2006
State alternative financing programs for wastewater treatment transition towards greater self-sufficiency in the 1980's 1986
State match options for the state revolving fund program. 1997
State of Washington resource sharing study final report / 1995
The clean water state revolving fund : financing America's environmental infrastructure--a report of progress. 1995
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