Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 6
Showing: Items 1 - 6
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Liquid metal fast breeder reactors)

Select Item Title Year Published
Compilation and Critique of Information Pertaining to Potential Severe Accidents at a Large LMFBR. 1975
Issues bearing on the need for and the timing of the U.S. liquid metal fast breeder reactor a report / 1976
Progress on Development of Fuels and Technology for Advanced Reactors During January-March 1971. Quarterly Report. 1971
Radionuclide production, transport, and release from normal operation of liquid-metal-cooled fast breeder reactors 1975
Significant actinide activities in the LWR and LMFBR nuclear fuel cycles / 1974
The fast breeder reactor decision : an analysis of limits and the limits of analysis : a study / 1976

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