Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Liquefied natural gas)

Select Item Title Year Published
A summary of accidents related to non-nuclear energy. 1977
Accidents and unscheduled events associated with non-nuclear energy resources and technology / 1977
Air pollution : status of dispute over Alaska oil pipeline air quality controls : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Regulation and Conservation, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate / 1988
Alternative fuel transit buses : final results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) vehicle evaluation program / 1996
Analysis of the Regulatory Aspects of Natural Gas Supply (Abridged Report). 1973
Clean Air Car Race - 1970. 1971
Clean alternative fuels : liquefied natural gas. 2002
Draft environmental impact statement : Crown Landing LNG and Logan Lateral projects. 2005
Energy/environment II / 1977
Environmental considerations in future energy growth / 1973
Environmental problem definition for petroleum refineries, synthetic natural gas plants, and liquefied natural gas plants / 1975
EPA's liquefied natural gas regulatory roadmap / 2006
Evaluating Transportation Controls to Reduce Motor Vehicle Emissions in Major Metropolitan Areas. 1972
Evaluating Transportation Controls to Reduce Motor Vehicle Emissions in Major Metropolitan Areas. 1972
Evaluation of dense gas simulation models / 1991
Explosion hazards associated with spills of large quantities of hazardous materials, phase I. 1974
Final environmental impact statement : Crown Landing LNG and Logan Lateral projects. 2006
Final environmental impact statement for the construction and operation of a liquefied natural gas import terminal in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana 1976
Fired steam generators performance test codes. ASME PTC 4-2008 (Revision of ASME PTC 4-1998) 2008
Flare details for general refinery and petrochemical service. ANSI/API Standard 537. 2008
Frozen fire : where will it happen next? / 1979
Guidance document for the safety of a management system for onshore oil and natural gas production operations and associated activities. API Bulletin 75L, first edition, November 2007 2007
Hazards of spillage of LNG into water; final report, 1972
Liquefied natural gas 1974
Liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas : views & practices : policy and safety / 1980
LNG facilities in urban areas : a security risk management analysis for Attorney General Patrick Lynch, Rhode Island / 2005
LNG industry : a supplement to Hydrocarbon Engineering. 2005
Lng: A Sulfur-Free Fuel for Power Generation. 1969
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 11 - Physical properties data. Section 2 Part 2 Compressibility factors for hydrocarbons, correlation of vapor pressure for commercial natural gas liquids, first edition, June 2007. 1994
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 11.2.2, Compressibility factors for hydrocarbons: 0.350-0.637 relative densit (60 degrees F/60 degress F) and -50 degrees F to 140 degrees F metering temperature, second edition, 1986. 1986
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 14 - Natural gas fluids measurment. Section 10 Measurement of flow to flares, first edition, July 2007 2007
Natural gas : marine transportation (Jan 74 - May 85) : citations from the Oceanic Abstracts Database. 1985
Northwest fossil fuel exports : planned facilities would handle five times as much carbon as the Keystone XL pipeline / 2014
Offshore LNG receiving terminal project / 1977
Offshore LNG terminal study / 1978
Offshore LNG terminal study : appendix / 1978
Petroleum supply monthly. 1982
Physical modeling of heavy plume dispersion / 1989
Planning and conducting surface preparation and coating operations for oil and natural gas drilling and production facilities in a marine environment. API Bulletin 91, first edition, June 2007. 2007
Pre-Feasibility Analysis for the Conversion of Landfill Gas to Liquefied Natural Gas to Fuel Refuse Trucks in India. 2009
Proceedings of the heavy gas (LNG/LPG) workshop : January 29 and 30, 1985 Toronto, Ontario / 1985
Process and environmental technology for producing SNG and liquid fuels / 1975
Regulatory impact analysis of the final oil and natural gas sector : emission standards for new, reconstructed, and modified sources. 2016
Risk analysis and decision processes : the siting of liquefied energy gas facilities in four countries 1983
Risk Assessment of Storage and Transport of Liquefied Natural Gas and LP-Gas. 1974
Study of the future supply of natural gas for electrical utilities. 1972
The Second National Conference on the Interagency Energy/Environment R & D Program, June 6 and 7, 1977, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. 1977
Time bomb : LNG, the truth about our newest and most dangerous energy source / 1978
Transportation of liquefied natural gas 1977

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