Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Liquefied natural gas Measurement Standards)

Select Item Title Year Published
Fired steam generators performance test codes. ASME PTC 4-2008 (Revision of ASME PTC 4-1998) 2008
Flare details for general refinery and petrochemical service. ANSI/API Standard 537. 2008
Guidance document for the safety of a management system for onshore oil and natural gas production operations and associated activities. API Bulletin 75L, first edition, November 2007 2007
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 11 - Physical properties data. Section 2 Part 2 Compressibility factors for hydrocarbons, correlation of vapor pressure for commercial natural gas liquids, first edition, June 2007. 1994
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 11.2.2, Compressibility factors for hydrocarbons: 0.350-0.637 relative densit (60 degrees F/60 degress F) and -50 degrees F to 140 degrees F metering temperature, second edition, 1986. 1986
Manual of petroleum measurement standards. Chapter 14 - Natural gas fluids measurment. Section 10 Measurement of flow to flares, first edition, July 2007 2007
Planning and conducting surface preparation and coating operations for oil and natural gas drilling and production facilities in a marine environment. API Bulletin 91, first edition, June 2007. 2007

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