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Select Item Title Year Published
1976 Energy Fact Book. 1975
A Compendium of reported physical and chemical characterization data for petroleum and synthetic fuel products. Volume II, Direct coal liquefaction products / 1982
A compendium of synfuel end-use testing programs / 1982
Achieving a production goal of 1 million B/D of coal liquids by 1990 / 1980
Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. A Feasibility Study. Volume III. Appendices. 1974
Alternative fuels monitor : coal gasification and indirect liquefaction / 1980
Analysis for radionuclides in SRC and coal combustion samples / 1978
Analysis of volatile products from the slow pyrolysis of coal / 1984
Analytical methods for hazardous organics in liquid wastes from coal gasification and liquefaction processes / 1982
Analytical Methods for Hazardous Organics in Liquid Wastes from Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Processes. 1982
Applicability of coke plant control technologies to coal conversion / 1979
Applicability of petroleum refinery control technologies to coal conversion / 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-1. Energy Report: Evaluation of Areawide Coal Production and Future Projections. 1978
Assessment of coal conversion wastewaters : characterization and preliminary biotreatability / 1978
Assessment of the potential of clean fuels and energy technology / 1974
Atmospheric chemistry of potential emissions from fuel conversion facilities : a smog chamber study / 1978
Bibliography of aquatic ecosystem effects, analytical methods and treatment technologies for organic compounds in advanced fossil-fuel processing effluents / 1980
Bibliography of the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development energy-related publications. 1977
Catalyst development for coal liquefaction 1979
Catalyst evaluation for denitrogenation of petroleum residua and coal liquids / 1978
Characterization of mineral matter in coals and coal liquefaction residues : annual report, December 1978 1978
Chemical and biological characterization of leachates from coal solid wastes / 1980
Chemical and biological characterization of leachates from coal solid wastes / 1980
Chemical and geochemical aspects of fossil energy extraction 1983
Chemical Characterization and Monitoring Studies of Effluents from Emerging Fossil Fuel Processes. 1976
Clean Fuels from Coal Symposium II : papers presented June 23-27, 1975 at IIT Research Institute Auditorium, Chicago, Illinois : selected papers from Symposium I, September 10-14, 1973 included 1975
Coal combustion and conversion technology 1984
Coal conversion and the environment : chemical, biomedical, and ecological considerations : proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Hanford Life Sciences Symposium at Richland, Washington, October 19-23, 1980 / 1981
Coal conversion comparisons : final report, task 002 / 1979
Coal conversion control technology / 1979
Coal Conversion Control Technology. Volume I. Environmental Regulations; Liquid Effluents. 1979
Coal Conversion Control Technology. Volume II. Gaseous Emissions; Solid Wastes. 1979
Coal conversion technology : problems and solutions : based on a symposium sponsored by the ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry at the I & EC winter symposium, Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 12-13, 1979 / 1979
Coal liquefaction : recent findings in occupational safety and health. 1980
Coal liquefaction : the chemistry and technology of thermal processes 1980
Coal liquefaction and gasification technologies 1982
Coal liquefaction fundamentals based on symposia sponsored by the Division of Fuel Chemistry at the ACS/CSJ Chemical Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2-5, 1979 and at the 178th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., September 10-14, 1979 / 1980
Coal liquefaction processes 1979
Coal processing technology 1974
Coal Processing Technology: Environmental Impact of Synthetic Fuels Development. 1979
Coal slurry feed pump for coal liquefaction, phase II 1979
Coal synfuel facility survey. 1981
Coal-conversion technologies, some health and environmental effects / 1979
Coal-to-methanol : an engineering evaluation of Texaco gasification and ICI methanol-synthesis route : final report / 1981
Coal-to-methanol via new processes under development : an engineering and economic evaluation 1979
Comparison of flue gas desulfurization, coal liquefaction, and coal gasification for use at coal-fired power plants / 1975
Compendium of reported physical and chemical characterization data for petroleum and synthetic fuel products. {MICROFICHE direct coal liquefaction products / 1984
Components identified in energy-related wastes and effluents {microform} / 1982
Control technology appendices for pollution control technicaL manuals. 1983
Controlling sulfur oxides / 1980
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