Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lineaire modellen)

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to generalized linear models / 2002
Generalized linear models / 1989
Generalized linear models : a Bayesian perspective / 2000
Linear statistical inference and its applications / 1973
Methods and applications of linear models : regression and the analysis of variance / 1996
Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data / 1995
Nonlinear parameter estimation / 1974
Nonlinear regression / 1989
Nonlinear regression modeling : a unified practical approach / 1983
Residuals and influence in regression / 1982
Sample size choice : charts for experiments with linear models / 1975
Sensitivity analysis in linear regression / 1988
Statistical modelling in GLIM / 1989
Statistical tools for nonlinear regression : a practical guide with S-PLUS and R examples / 2004

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