Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
Showing: Items 1 - 38
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Limnologie)

Select Item Title Year Published
A treatise on limnology / 1957
Algal ecology : freshwater benthic ecosystems / 1996
Bioassessment of freshwater ecosystems : using the reference condition approach / 2004
Biology of lakes and ponds 1998
Chemical processes in lakes / 1985
Ecology of inland waters and estuaries / 1976
Environmental chemistry of lakes and reservoirs / 1994
Fresh-water biology. 1959
Freshwater biology. 1971
Freshwaters of Alaska : ecological syntheses / 1997
Handbook of common methods in limnology / 1979
Journal of aquatic ecosystem health. 1992
Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair handbook / 1993
Limnoecology : the ecology of lakes and streams / 1997
Limnological analyses / 1991
Limnological methods / 1948
Limnology / 1952
Limnology / 1975
Limnology / 1983
Limnology / 1994
Limnology : inland water ecosystems / 2002
Limnology : lake and river ecosystems / 2001
Limnology and oceanography bulletin. 2001
Limnology and oceanography, methods / 2003
Limnology and oceanography. 1956
Limnology and oceanography. 1956
Man-made lakes : their problems and environmental effects / 1973
Mitteilungen = Communications. 1953
Physics and chemistry of lakes / 1995
Physiological limnology : an approach to the physiology of lake ecosystems / 1975
Phytoplankton dynamics in the North American Great Lakes / 1996
Quantitative techniques for the assessment of lake quality / 1979
Reservoir limnology : ecological perspectives / 1990
Textbook of limnology / 1979
The 43rd conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, May 21-26, 2000 : hosted by the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cornwall, Ontario. 2000
The biology of freshwater wetlands / 2006
The ecology of running waters 1970
The natural history of lakes / 1987

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