Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 155
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Libraries United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the services and collections of EPA-New England Region 1 Library / 1998
A history of the National Library of Medicine : the nation's treasury of medical knowledge / 1982
A survey of Environmental Protection Agency libraries / 1973
Access EPA / 1993
Access EPA / 1992
Access EPA / 1995
Access EPA / 1991
ACCESS EPA : discover the new environmental directory. 1990
Access EPA : state environmental libraries. 1991
Access EPA. 1991
Access express. 1993
Access express. 1994
Access express. 1995
Access express. 1994
Access versus assets : a comprehensive guide to resource sharing for academic librarians / 1993
American Library Directory : 2004-2005. 2004
American Library directory, 1993-94. 1993
American library directory, 2008-2009. 2008
American library directory, 2009-2010. 2009
American library directory; a classified list of libraries in the United States and Canada, with personnel and statistical data. 1923
ARL/RLG interlibrary loan cost study : a joint effort by the Association of Research Libraries and the Research Libraries Group / 1993
AWBERC Library's electronic resource collection. 2003
Blueprint for your library marketing plan : a guide to help you survive and thrive / 2006
Business case for information services : EPA's regional libraries and information centers / 2004
Change as opportunity : information professionals at the crossroads : 88th Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association, June 7-12, 1997, Seattle, Washington. 1997
Corporate library excellence 1990
Crisis in copyright 1976
Customer service excellence : a concise guide for librarians / 1997
CyberSearch : research techniques in the electronic age / 1998
Directory of environmental data bases for Region V / 1984
Directory of federal libraries 1997
Directory of federal libraries and information centers, 1994 / 1997
Directory of special libraries and information centers a guide to special libraries, research libraries, information centers, archives, and data centers / 1981
Directory of special libraries and information centers, [2006] : a guide to more than 34,800 special libraries, research libraries, information centers, archives, and data centers maintained by government agencies ... / 2006
Directory of special libraries and information centers, [2008a] : a guide to more than 36,000 special libraries, research libraries, information centers, archives, and data centers maintained by government agencies ... / 2008
Directory of TSCA local resource centers : initial inventory / 1979
Discover the new environmental directory, ACCESS EPA revised 1993 edition. 1994
Distributed geolibraries : spatial information resources : summary of a workshop / 1999
E-serials : publishers, libraries, users, and standards / 2003
Encyclopedia of information systems and services : an international guide to computer-readable data bases, data base producers and publishers, online vendors and time-sharing companies ... 1981
Environmental protection : EPA needs to ensure that best practices and procedures are followed when making further changes to its library network : report to Congressional requesters / 2008
Environmental protection : EPA needs to follow best practices and procedures when reorganizing its library network : testimony before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, House Committee on Science and Technology / 2008
Environmental protection EPA needs to ensure that best practices and procedures are followed when making further changes to its library network : report to Congressional requesters / [electronic resource] : 2008
EPA audience group's information needs : a review of reports, focus groups and other resources on information access, from 1997 to 2008. 2008
EPA FY 2007 library plan : national framework for the headquarters and regional libraries. 2006
EPA Headquarters and chemical libraries. 2017
EPA Library Network Contact List : Librarians and Managers. 1992
EPA Library Network orientation manual / 1996
EPA national library network / 2008
EPA National Library Network / 2015
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