Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 351 - 400
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Select Item Title Year Published
Technical background document to support rulemaking pursuant to the Clean Air Act section 112(g) : ranking of pollutants with respect to hazard to human health. 1994
Technical Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule for Arsenic in Drinking Water and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring 2000
Technical Report on Sound Levels in Bryce Canyon National Park and the Noise Impact of the Proposed Alton Coal Mine 1980
The Great Lakes : an environmental atlas and resource book / 1987
The Great Lakes : living with North America's inland waters / 1988
The impacts of wastewater disposal practices on the ground water of the North Carolina Barrier Islands / 1985
The lead-safe certified guide to renovate right. 2011
The ozone report : measuring progress through 2003. 2004
The transfer function of quarrry blast noise and vibration into typical residential structures / 1977
The use of habitat structure preferenda for establishing flow regimes necessary for maintenance of fish habitat / 1980
The WRRI trout cover rating method : development and application / 1980
Theoretical Basis for Modeling Element Cycling. 1986
Toxicological Investigationof Maleic Anhydride, Lot No. QB1151 with Cover Letter. 1984
Toxicological profile for benzo[b]fluoranthene / 1990
Toxicological profile for benz[a]anthracene / 1990
Training Manual for Mechanical Equipment Noise Control Permit Scheme for Model Building Code. 1980
Transports in the Duluth-Superior Harbor (Journal Version). 1980
U.S. Drinking-Water Regulations: Treatment Technologies and Cost. 1994
Update #2 to removal action levels. 1995
Upper Great Lakes connecting channels interlaboratory performance evaluation study : integrated report / 1988
Upper Mississippi River water quality task force meeting : April 8, 1999 : agenda : background and supporting materials : Moline Holiday Inn, Moline, Illinois. 1999
Upward Flow from Shallow Water Tables. 1972
Urban soil lead abatement demonstration project : EPA data dictionary with associated data sets. 1996
Urban soil lead abatement demonstration project. 1993
Urban soil lead abatement demonstration project. 1996
Urban Soil Lead Demonstration Project (USLDP), EPA Data Dictionary and Associated Data Sets (on Diskette). 1996
User's Manual for Automated Calculation of Fleet Noise Level and Airport Noise Index. 1981
Users Manual for the ALAMO Demographic Report Generator Program (DEMCOM). 1981
Variations in U.S. Great Lakes tributary flows and loadings / 1981
Water level and total dissolved solids contour maps for aquifers in Utah 1981
Water level and total dissolved solids contour maps for aquifers in Utah 1981
Water levels in the Calumet aquifer and their relation to surface-water levels in northern Lake County, Indiana, 1985-92 / 1995
Water levels of the Great Lakes : report on lake regulation. 1965
Water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic life and its uses : ammonia : final draft / 1983
Water Quality Study in an Arid Region Lake: Lake Bosten Northwest China. 1990
Water quality, seasonal water-level changes, 1988-89, and simulated effects of increased water use from the Ozark aquifer near Branson, Missouri / 1991
Water Resources Data for Alaska, Water Year 1976. 1977
Water Resources Data for Alaska, Water Year 1979. 1980
Water Resources Data for Alaska, Water Year 1980. 1981
Water Resources Data for Alaska. Water Year 1975. 1976
Water Resources Data for Arkansas, Water Year 1971. Part 1. Surface Water Records. 1972
Water Resources Data for Arkansas, Water Year 1971. Part 2. Water Quality Records. 1972
Water Resources Data for Arkansas, Water Year 1972. Part 2. Water Quality Records. 1973
Water Resources Data for Arkansas, Water Year 1973. Part 2. Water Quality Records. 1974
Water Resources Data for Arkansas, Water Year 1986. 1987
Water Resources Data for California Water Year 1994. Volume 1. Southern Great Basin from Mexican Border to Mono Lake Basin, and Pacific Slope Basins from Tijuana River to Santa Maria River. 1995
Water Resources Data for California Water Year 1994. Volume 4. Northern Central Valley Basins and The Great Basin from Honey Lake Basin to Oregon State Line. 1995
Water Resources Data for California, 1975. Volume IV. Northern Central Valley Basins and The Great Basin from Honey Lake Basin to Oregon State Line. 1976
Water Resources Data for California, Water Year 1979. Volume 1. Colorado River Basin, Southern Great Basin from Mexican Border to Mono Lake Basin, and Pacific Slope Basins from Tijuana River to Santa Maria River. 1981
Water Resources Data for Colorado, Water Year 1978. Volume 2. Colorado River Basin Above Dolores River. 1979
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