Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental, economic and energy impacts of material recovery facilities : a MITE program evaluation / 1995
Epoxide Ring Opening and Related Reactivities of Cyclopenta Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Quantum Mechanical Studies. 1992
Equating Semi-Continuous (SC) PM(sub 2.5) Mass Monitor Measurement Values with Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM(sub 2.5) Monitor Measurement Values. 2011
Estimating 'Concern Levels' for Concentrations of Chemical Substances in the Environment. 1984
Estimation of Electron Affinity Based on Structure Activity Relationships. 1993
Evaluation and Abatement of Noise from Aircraft Auxiliary Power Units and Airport Ground Power Units. 1980
Evaluation of a simulated road texture for the testing of tire/road noise / 1982
Evaluation of a System for the Imposition of Plant Water Stress. 1985
Evaluation of acoustic Doppler velocity meters to quantify flow from Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas / 2008
Evaluation of Borehole Geophysical Logging, Aquifer-Isolation Tests, Distribution of Contaminants, and Water-Level Measurements at the North Penn Area 5 Superfund Site, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania. 2002
Evaluation of Health and Environmental Effects of Extra High Voltage (EHV) Transmission. 1980
Evaluation of Proposed TG and E (Tucson Gas and Electric Company) Wastewater Discharge on Groundwater in the Tucson Basin. 1977
Evaluation of short-term air action levels for Superfund sites. 1993
Evaluation of Strategies to Control Noise from Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Condensing Units. 1981
Evaluation of Strategies to Control Noise from Grain Dryers. 1981
Evaluation of water quality impacts of proposed Lake Erie regulations on Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Superior as well as connecting channels / 1980
Existing and Potential Noise Reduction Technology for the Fabricated Metal Products Industry. 1975
Fayetteville PFOA Exposure Assessment Report. Report of Exposure Assessment of Measured Serum Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) Anion in the Manufacture of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate (APFO) at Fayetteville, NC. Interim Report December 31, 2005. 2007
Federal Register/Vol. 69, No. 124 Tuesday June 29, 2004/Rules and Regulations 2004
Federal Register: July 19, 2001, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring 2001
Federal Register: Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 141, 142, and 143, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Sulfate; Proposed Rule 1994
Federal surface vehicle noise research, development, and demonstration programs: FY73-FY75 / 1975
Field and Laboratory Evaluations of a Real-Time PAH Analyzer. 1997
Fish utilization of an inundated swamp-stream floodplain. 1985
Flathead River Basin Fiscal Impact Study: an Assessment of Future Fiscal Conditions in Nine Taxing Jurisdictions 1982
Flood tolerance of plant species in bottomland forests of the southeastern United States / 1993
Flow and salinity in West Neck Creek, Virginia, 1989-92, and salinity in North Landing River, North Carolina, 1991-92 / 1994
Foreign research in tire noise / 1980
Formation of Disinfection By-Products. 1991
Framework for Assessing Effects of Global Climate Change on Mangrove Ecosystems. 1994
Framework for decision making : an EPA perspective. 1992
Fringe Wetlands in Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds: Landscape Position, Fringe Swamp Structure, and Response to Rising Sea Level. 1989
Geohydrology, water levels and directions of flow, and occurrence of light-nonaqueous-phase liquids on ground water in northwestern Indiana and the Lake Calumet area of northeastern Illinois / 1996
Global trade and fuels assessment : additional ECA modeling scenarios / 2009
Global trade and fuels assessment : future trends and effects of requiring clean fuels in the marine sector / 2008
Great Lakes levels and flows conditions and related activities 1985
Great Lakes levels update / 0
Great Lakes water level statistical techniques / 1993
Great Lakes water levels : briefing of Senators and Representatives from the Great Lakes Basin / 1985
Great Lakes water levels shoreline dilemmas : report on a colloquium / 1989
Great Lakes water levels, 1860-1970: monthly and annual average water surface elevations. 1971
Great Lakes water levels. 1970
Great Lakes Water Levels: Shoreline Dilemmas. Report on a Colloquium Sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board, March 17-18, 1988. Colloquium 4. 1989
Ground- and surface-water interaction between the Kansas River and associated alluvial aquifer, northeastern Kansas / 1993
Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 1994 1995
Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 1996 1997
Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 1997 1998
Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 1998 1999
Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 1999 2000
Ground-water conditions in Georgia, 2000 2001
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