Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lehrbuch)

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to generalized linear models / 2002
Biology of plants / 1999
Chemical aspects of photodynamic therapy / 2000
Concise biochemistry / 1996
Economics / 2003
Environmental biotechnology : principles and applications / 2001
Environmental economics : an introduction / 1994
Fundamentals of organic chemistry / 2003
Inorganic materials chemistry desk reference / 1997
Introduction to biostatistics / 1973
Lehninger principles of biochemistry / 2008
Organic chemistry / 1983
Organic chemistry / 1992
Physical chemistry 1971
Principles of organic chemistry / 1977
Statistical methods in agriculture and experimental biology / 1993
Statistical methods in analytical chemistry / 2000
Statistical theory / 1976
Stereochemistry of organic compounds / 1994
Textbook of medical physiology / 1996
The earth system / 1999
The essence of chromatography / 2003
The world today : concepts and regions in geography / 2007
Thermodynamics / 1978
Understanding physical chemistry 1969

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