Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 73
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Legislation United States Periodicals)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Administration of the Toxic Substances Control Act / 1978
Air pollution control. 1980
Air/water pollution report. 1998
Annual report 2002 : National Enforcement Investigations Center. 2002
Annual report for ... / 0
Annual report on compliance assurance achievement highlights in Region 10 1999
Annual report on enforcement and compliance assurance accomplishments in ... / 1999
Annual report to Congress ... on administration of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended (P.L. 92-532), and implementing the International London Dumping Convention / 1979
Annual report, administration of the Toxic substances control act. 1977
Annual Superfund report to the Congress ... 1987
Automotive fuel economy program 1977
BNA's employment discrimination report. 1993
Chemical regulation reporter. 1977
Chemical safety for sustainability : strategic research action plan / 2016
Chemicals-in-progress bulletin 1989
Clean air act handbook : a practical guide to compliance. 1991
Code of federal regulations. 21, Food and drugs. 0
Code of federal regulations. LSA, list of CFR sections affected. 1977
Compilation of selected acts within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Commerce. including Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Controlled Substances Act ... Food, drug, and related law : 1995
Congressional roll call. 0
Enforcement Alert {electronic resource}. 0
Enforcement and compliance assurance accomplishments report 1994
Environment reporter: decisions. 1970
Environment, energy, and resources law : the year in review. 1999
Environmental manager's compliance advisor. 0
Environmental news : Superfund progress report. 0
EPA water enforcement bulletin : update on administrative and judicial water enforcement actions for EPA attorneys. 0
Federal register. 1936
Federal register. [electronic resource] 1936
Freedom of Information Act guide & Privacy Act overview. 1992
Freedom of Information Act guide & Privacy Act overview. 1992
Hazardous waste/superfund week. 2001
Inside EPA's clean air report. 1990
Inside EPA's superfund report. 1987
Inside EPA's water policy report. 1992
Journal of land, resources & environmental law. 1997
Journal of natural resources & environmental law 1992
Labor relations reporter Fair employment practice manual. 0
Land use & environment law review. 1978
McCoy's RCRA compliance CD. 2012
McCoy's RCRA reference. 2001
McCoy's RCRA unraveled. 2001
Monthly call center report. 2001
Monthly hotline report : RCRA/SF/OUST and emergency planning and community right-to-know. 1982
National journal. 1975
Natural resources & environment. 1985
Natural resources journal. 1961
Natural resources law. 1984
Natural resources lawyer journal of the Section of Natural Resources Law, American Bar Association. 1968
Natural resources, energy, and environmental law. 1988
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