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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Leaves Botany)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air Quality Data Analysis System for Interrelating Effects, Standards, and Needed Source Reductions: Part 12. Effects on Man, Animals, and Plants as a Function of Air Pollutant Impact. 1993
Air Quality Data Analysis System for Interrelating Effects, Standards, and Needed Source Reductions: Part 7. An O3-SO2 Leaf Injury Mathematical Model. 1983
Biogenic Emission Estimates for 1995. 1996
Biogenic Hydrocarbon Emission Inventory for the U.S.A. Using a Simple Forest Canopy Model. 1993
Building Sector Field Program Planning Workshop, January 29-30, 1991 workshop proceedings. 1991
Changes in Resistance to Flow of Water through a Soil-Plant System. 1970
Combined Effect of Sulfur Dioxide and Ozone on Bean and Tobacco Plants. 1976
Comparative Disappearance of Dioxathion, Malathion, Oxydemetonmethyl and Dialifor from Florida Citrus Leaf and Fruit Surfaces. 1981
Comparison of Rates of Water Loss Through Transpiration of Several Southern New Mexico Phreatophyte Species. 1973
Comparison of the Seagrass 'Thalassia testudinum' and Its Epiphytes in the Field and in Laboratory Test Systems. 1990
Correlations Between Canopy Reflectance and Leaf Temperature in Irrigated and Droughted Soybeans. 1989
Degradation of Riparian Leaves and the Recycling of Nutrients in a Stream Ecosystem. 1972
Determination of emission rates of hydrocarbons from indigenous species of vegetation in the Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida area / 1979
Development of a Particulate Reference Sample on Membrane Filters for the Standardization of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers. 1976
Development of Prediction Relationships for Water Requirements with Irrigation Cooling. 1974
Differential Foliar Sensitivity of Soybean Cultivars to Ozone Associated with Differential Enzyme Activities. 1975
Disruption of Sulfur Metabolism in Plants Affected by Air Pollution (Narushenie Sernogo Obmena v Rasteniyakh pod Vliyanem Zagryazneniya Atmosfernogo Vozdukha). 1974
Economics of Proposed Regulation R73-5 on Leaf Burning and a Benefit-Cost Analysis of an Alternative Approach Based on Population Size. 1976
Effect of P-Cresol on Leaf Decomposition and Invertebrate Colonization in Experimental Outdoor Streams. 1983
Effects of CO2 and Temperature on Five Rice Cultivars. 1992
Effects of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Dioxide and Ambient Ozone on Tomatoes: Plant Growth, Leaf Injury, Elemental Composition, Fruit Yields, and Quality. 1986
Effects of Open-Top Chambers on 'Valencia' Orange Trees. 1992
Effects of ozone and water stress on net photosynthetic rate of field grown soybean leaves / 1988
Effects of Ozone on Crops. 1991
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Rain on Decomposition Rate and Chemical Element Content of Hardwood Leaf Litter. 1983
Effects of Supplemental Ultraviolet-B Radiation on the Growth and Physiology of Field-Grown Soybean. 1986
Effects of Ultraviolet-B Irradiance on Soybean. V. The Dependence of Plant Sensitivity on the Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density during and After Leaf Expansion. 1984
Effects of Ultravioloet-B Radiation on Photosynthesis of Different Aged Needles in Field-Grown Loblolly Pine. 1993
Emission factor development for leaf burning / 1976
Evaluation of Forest Canopy Models for Estimating Isoprene Emissions. 1996
Factors Controlling the Emissions of Monoterpenes and Other Volatile Organic Compounds. 1990
Fate and biological effects of cadmium introduced into channel microcosms / 1979
Foliar Washoff of Pesticides (FWOP) Model: Development and Evaluation. 1984
Gas Exchange in 'Quercus rubra' (Northern Red Oak) during a Drought: Analysis of Relations among Photosynthesis Transpiration, and Leaf Conductance. 1990
Growth Changes of Apple Seedlings in Response to Simulated Acid Rain. 1983
Impact of Drilling Fluids on Seagrasses: An Experimental Community Approach (Journal Version). 1986
Impact of Drilling Fluids on Seagrasses: An Experimental Community Approach. 1985
Impact of O3 on Leaf Construction Cost and Carbon Isotope Discrimination. 1994
Indirect Sensing of Plant Canopy Structure with Simple Radiation Measurements. 1988
Influence of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on Wetland Rice Root Dynamics. 1992
Influence of Mist Irrigation on Growth, Yields, and Quality of Potatoes and Snap Beans. 1972
Injury and yield response of cotton to chronic doses of ozone and soil moisture deficit / 1988
Interactive Effects of O3 and CO2: Implications for Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1997
Interspecfic Variation in SO2 Flux - Leaf Surface 'Versus' Internal Flux, and Components of Leaf Conductance. 1985
Leaf Photosynthetic and Water Relations Responses for 'Valencia' Orange Trees Exposed to Oxidant Air Pollution. 1991
Leaf UV Optical Properties of 'Rumex patientia' L. and 'Rumex obtusifolius L. in Regard to a Protective Mechanism against Solar UV-B Radiation Injury. 1987
Life Cycle Bioassay for Assessment of the Effects of Toxic Chemicals Using Rapid Cycling 'Brassica'. 1990
Mathematical Model of Plant Uptake and Translocations of Organic Chemicals: Application to Experiments. 1991
Memphis' Municipal Solid Waste Management System: A Case Study. 1973
Methods of Assessing Responses of Trees, Stands and Ecosystems to Air Pollution (Chapter 7). 1992
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